unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (09/24/89)
completed, it's difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of the failure. We don't have any timeframe that I can give you yet on when the results of those tests will be available. Q: How much of a success are they going to claim this time? A: I'm not even going to answer that one. I knew you'd come up with something like that. Q: (Inaudible) A: It's not much, but that's where it stands. Q: Have you got any further update on what's gone to Colombia? A: No, the latest update we have is yesterday's information. There's nothing beyond that. Q: (Inaudible) A: No sir. The Secretary told all. Q: Is there any estimate on the kind of (inaudible)? Any kind of target on that? A: No. The only date we have before us is the October 15 deadline for the CINCs to come in with their recommendations. Q: (Inaudible) will not take place until you get the reports back in. Are you talking about, (inaudible)? A: No. This is part of the process that's going on to put together the recommendations and they'll make judgements based on those, so it's moving ahead but what you're asking about, that would be premature. Q: Secretary Cheney said yesterday (inaudible). What's (inaudible) timeframe in which the Secretary will decide on an actual contingency plan aft those reports are in? A: That's essentially what Carl was asking here. The next order of business is to get the recommendations in from the commanders of the Unified a Specified Commands. Beyond that, it's all deliberate speed, but we don't have any time table that I could share with you. Q: Are any steps being taken at mainland stations, like Charleston (inaudible) A: I don't believe so. Not that I've been informed of. The last I heard this morning on one of the weather forecasts, if the hurricane follows its present path, it will be three or four days before it hits the Southeast. Q: (Inaudible) A: As I say, it's several days. We'll ask and see what the situation is Q: You said the information is far from complete, but is there any kind of damage estimate in terms of cost? A: No. Q: Are they working on one? A: I doubt it so soon. Right now we're in the mode of getting reports in, and then taking emergency actions. So I think the cost part of it will come down the line a bit. Q: (Inaudible) Roosevelt Roads? A: The only evacuations I'm aware of are the Andros Island ones. Q: There's a report that (inaudible) the U.S. position on START talks which may come as early as Shevardnadze's visit. Is the Department aware of a new position? And the second part of the question, is it still the Department's view that they would prefer to have some action on the CFE before proceeding any further on START? A: I do not have anything for you on the START positions. I have no reason to believe we've departed from the position that you just mentioned, move ahead on CFE. But I would refer you to State on that. * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501) --- Patt Haring | United Nations | FAX: 212-787-1726 patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu | Information | BBS: 201-795-0733 patth@ccnysci.BITNET | Transfer Exchange | (3/12/24/9600 Baud) -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-