unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (09/24/89)


     Posting Date: 09/24/89      Source: UNITEX Network, Hoboken, NJ, USA
     Host: (201) 795-0733          ISSN: 1043-7932

     The General Assembly meets this morning to take up the report of
     its General Committee (document A/44/250 Corr.1, and Add.1)
     concerning the Assembly's agenda and the allocation of items for
     consideration by the plenary and the Main Committees.

     The 155-item agenda includes eight new items:  observer status
     for the Council of Europe in the General Assembly; a United
     Nations decade of international law; protection and security of
     small states; environmental protection of extraterritorial
     spaces for present and future generations; education and
     information for disarmament; illicit trafficking in narcotic
     drugs and other transnational criminal activities and the
     establishment of an international criminal court with
     jurisdiction over such crimes; Operation Lifeline Sudan; and
     African structural adjustment.

     The General Committee has recommended that one item on the
     provisional agenda -- the question of East Timor -- be deferred
     to the Assembly's next regular session.

     The report also recommends that the general debate of the current
     session be held from 25 September to 13 October 1989.

     Recommended for consideration in plenary are new items on
     observer status for the Council of Europe, Operation Lifeline
     Sudan and African structural adjustment.  Other items up for
     renewed consideration at the current session include the
     situation in the Middle East and the question of Palestine, the
     return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of
     origin, peace initiatives in Central America, and South Africa's
     policies of apartheid.  A total of 50 items would be taken up in
     plenary, including also the election of five non-permanent
     members of the Security Council and 18 members of the Economic
     and Social Council.

     Further, the report recommends that the First Committee
     (Political and Security) should discuss a new item on education
     and information for disarmament, as well as the question of
     Antarctica, the strengthening of the security of non-nuclear
     weapon States, scientific and technological developments and
     their impact on international security, and Israeli nuclear
     armament among others.

     The Special Political Committee would discuss the protection and
     security of small States as a new item.  Other topics for the
     Committee include a review of peace-keeping operations in all
     their aspects and questions relating to information.

     A new item recommended for the agenda of the Second Committee
     (Economic and Financial) is the environmental protection of
     extraterritorial spaces for present and future generations.  The
     Committee will also discuss special economic and disaster relief
     assistance and the external debt crisis of developing countries,
     among other items relating to development and international
     economic co-operation.

     The Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) is
     recommended to discuss various human rights issues, questions of
     racial and other discrimination, and the advancement of women
     and crime prevention.

     Among items recommended for allocation to the Fourth Committee
     (Decolonization) is discussion of information from
     non-self-governing territories, the United Nations Educational
     and Training Programme for Southern Africa and the
     implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of
     Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

     The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) would review
     the programme budget for the biennium 1988-1989, the proposed
     programme budget for 1990-1991, and the efficiency of the
     administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations.
     It would also discuss personnel questions and the administrative
     and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations
     peace-keeping operations, and the report of the Advisory
     Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions.

     The Sixth Committee (Legal) would have two new items on its
     agenda:  a United Nations decade of international law; the
     illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and the establishment of
     an international criminal court with jurisdiction over such
     crimes.  It would also discuss measures to prevent international
     terrorism and the convening of an international conference to
     define terrorism.

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

Patt Haring                | United Nations    | FAX: 212-787-1726
patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu    | Information       | BBS: 201-795-0733
patth@ccnysci.BITNET       | Transfer Exchange | (3/12/24/9600 Baud)
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