[misc.headlines.unitex] Nica: UNO program - Part 1

criesdif@mtxinu.COM (09/25/89)

/* Written  3:49 pm  Sep 23, 1989 by criesdif in ni:ni.centam-elect */
/* ---------- "Nica: UNO program - Part 1" ---------- */
                        PART 1
           From "La Prensa" - August 26, 1989

"This publication of the National Opposition Union (UNO)'s
Government Program is a contribution by "La Prensa" so that
all of Nicaragua can have a preview of what UNO's principles
and aims will be once their National Salvation program
becomes a reality.

"We reprint this program so that all those who wish for a
better future for our country may study in detail the
progressive thoughts of the leaders of the 14 parties which
comprise UNO, and who undoubtedly will make Nicaragua a
place where true peace, social justice, freedom, social,
political, and economic democracy will reign for the first
time, and allow Nicaragua to become a Republic once more!"

The NATIONAL OPPOSITION UNION (UNO), aware of the fact that
our country is suffering the most serious crisis in its
history, fundamentally due to the dictatorial and
totalitarian system and administrative disaster of the
Sandinista regime, considers its immediate task to be
dynamic and sustained activity which can rescue Nicaragua
from the social, political, and economic decline which it is
experiencing. For this reason it presents the following
Government Program which contains all the elements necessary
to achieve the reconstruction of the country.

This Government Program will be executed by a Government of
National Salvation, made up of the different political
forces in the UNO with participation by all national

I. The establishment of a State of Law to apply full
democracy and social justice, in which all national sectors
will have a say and the right to participate.

II. Establishing a NATIONAL AGREEMENT between the UNO
Government and all sectors of society, with the intention of
reconciling Nicaraguans, building democracy and peace, and
overcoming the crisis which the country is going through.

III. The main objective of the NATIONAL AGREEMENT will be
the creation of a Government of National Salvation -
civilian, republican, democratic, and representative - based
on the unity of the nation and aimed at serving the country
and the common good, outside of party interests.

IV. The Government of National Salvation will lead the
country towards a genuine National Democratic Revolution
which will guarantee social and political pluralism,
independence from the hegemonous interests of world powers,
and a social market economy where private, state,
cooperative and mixed companies can function harmoniously.

To accomplish these objectives, the Government of National
Salvation will rely on the firm ALLIANCE between the parties
which make up UNO, the organisation and unity of the
workers, the cooperation of business sectors, and the unity
of the entire Nicaraguan nation.

1) To forge and consolidate a dignified and stable peace.
2) To make the State and society truly democratic.
3) To solve the political, social, and economic crisis in a
patriotic way.
4) To initiate economic development based on national
interests and social progress.

Faced with the deep and complete crisis which Nicaragua is
in, the Government of National Salvation stresses that in
its emergency programs to stop ruin and poverty, the
following economic, social, and geographical sectors will be
given priority.

1.-The Campesinos: Campesinos will be guaranteed legitimate
ownership of the lands in their possession by the following
     a) Those who received titles to the use of land in
their possession from the Sandinista agrarian reform, will
immediately receive title deeds of ownership.
     b) In the case of those who may have occupied lands,
they will become subject to an agrarian reform, without
being affected adversely by the judgments of the Agrarian
and Judicial Courts or the indemnification rights of the
affected propietors.
     Property will be returned, wherever possible, to
campesino families who have been divested of theirs;
otherwise, they will receive new ones.
     Dispossessed people who wish to work the land will be
granted State land with the right to freely acquire it as
legitimate property, according to the agrarian policies of
the State.
     Those campesinos removed from their lands and forcibly
resettled in different places will immediately be made aware
of their right to return to them and receive such help as
should be necessary for this.
     Everybody will benefit from financial and technical
assistance for production and free commercialization of
their products.

2).- Demobilized Soldiers:  Those demobilized from the
Patriotic Military Service (SMP) of the Sandinista Peoples'
Army (EPS), and the Nicaraguan Resistance (RN) will have the
opportunity to dedicate themselves to study or production.
With this in mind, they will be guaranteed:
     The opportunity to study for those of school age with
academic preparation.
     Steady jobs for adults in the cities.
     Land, and the economic and technical resources to work
it, for the campesinos.
     All of them will receive the necessary support for
their relocation and readaptation.

3. Youth:  Military Service will be immediately abolished.
     Young men in general who have been materially and
spiritually affected by Military Service and war will have
access to institutes of higher education, short programs of
study, diverse education, work, sports, arts, recreation,
and orientation in their psychological, moral, and emotional
reestablishment which will allow them to take control of
their own future and permit their full social integration to
the common cause of national reconstruction.

4. The Family Nucleus:   The family nucleus needs to and
must recover its levels of stability and composure as soon
as possible, as it has been deeply damaged and traumatised
by the war, Military Service, the tens of thousands dead,
maimed and injured, the tragedy of orphanhood, the
irresponsible governmental administration, the violation of
human rights, military dictatorship and militarism itself,
the lack of specific freedoms, unstoppable inflation, the
frightful increase in the cost of living, the economic ruin
of the country, increasing unemployment, hunger and poverty,
corruption, the unstoppable flow of Nicaraguans to other
countries, the grotesque misuse of the mass media in the
hands of the government party, defamation and slander
campaigns, the promotion of fanaticism, hatred, and
disputes, all of which have weakened its capacity to cohabit
and have dramatically broken its unity.
     In order to achieve this aim, priority will always be
given to plans directed at the complete moral, economic, and
social recovery of the Nicaraguan family unit, with the
intention of reestablishing moral principles and values for
those who return to it, instilling respect for parents and
all family members, encouraging peace, optimism, and
complete confidence in the future and especially emphasizing
the family units' importance as a primary and fundamental
base of society and the effort for national reconciliation.

5.- Wage earners:   The establishment of fair pay for any
working day or activity, with economic and social incentives
for increased output, thereby doing away with starvation
     Removing the wage freeze imposed by the National System
for the Organization of Work and Wages (SNOTS) and other
government bodies.
     Creating and developing an economic and social policy
to protect the homes of workers.

6. Companies:   Private, co-operative and state enterprises
will receive the necessary guarantees to ensure their full
and harmonious incorporation to the common effort of
increasing production, reconstructing the country, and
encouraging national development and social progress.
     Both state and private companies will receive
incentives for their development.

7. The Atlantic Coast:    The Government of National
Salvation will give special attention to the Atlantic Coast,
earnestly responding to the unpostponable historic need of
freeing it from the underdevelopment and poverty in which it
has lived.
     The main effort will be to end the discrimination and
abandonment which have traditionally existed in the region,
to begin its integral development, complete its integration
to the life of the Nicaraguan nation, and assist it in its
struggle for social and economic progress.
     The Government of National Salvation will reconstruct
and improve the urban and rural structures and natural
resources of the Atlantic Coast which were destroyed by the
recent hurricane. It will also improve the region's
communication systems.
     At the same time, it will guarantee respect for the
cultures, traditions, and political rights of its different
ethnic groups.

Patt Haring                | United Nations    | FAX: 212-787-1726
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