criesdif@mtxinu.COM (09/25/89)
/* Written 3:51 pm Sep 23, 1989 by criesdif in ni:ni.centam-elect */ /* ---------- "Nica: UNO program - Part 3" ---------- */ PART 3 From "La Prensa"- August 26, 1989 CHAPTER V ECONOMY Urgent measures: The Government of National Salvation, acting on its Fundamental Objectives for starting to solve the country's more acute economic problems such as instability in the economy, in the national currency, in prices, wages, budgets and productive programs, will proceed immediately to take, among others, the following measures: 1.-The eradication without exception of all forms of embezzlement, fraud, abuse, disorder, bureaucracy and deficiency within the State organs. 2.-It will impose austerity in the making of the Republic's Expenditure Budget, and in the administration and practical management of the same. The budget will be detailed and available to the public. 3.-The Government of National Salvation will have to take on a vast national debt, the full amount of which is not yet known, and it will do everything possible to solve this problem in the manner most advantageous to national development interests. 4.-As a means of starting to overcome the problem of inflation, the Government of National Salvation will take action in the following areas: a)Public Spending: Drastic reduction in military expenditure. Reduction of bureaucratic expenditu in favor of productive investment. b)Production: In order to encourage the production of exportable and consumer goods, it will make use, among others, of the following resources: -Loans acquired from various international finance sources for that purpose. -The State's main resources, as well as any which the country's private sector can contribute. -Resources made available through foreign investments. 5.-As well as encouraging exports, programs will be initiated to increase production of food and other basics essential to the daily life of the people. Fundamental guidelines: For democratic reconstruction, national development and the country's social progress, the Government of National Salvation proposes to pursue the following fundamental guidelines: 1.-Defining completely and clearly a way to guarantee the harmonious functioning of private, state, cooperative, and mixed enterprises and properties, thus avoiding artificial contradictions in the solution of problems between these. Once this is done, harmonizing and coordinating common efforts to overcome Nicaragua's economic crisis by increasing production. The Government of National Salvation will promote a Statute which will establish the rights, guarantees and duties of the private sector and the cooperatives as regards their property and their products, as well as the correct way of managing state and mixed property. The State will ensure that property fulfills its social function. 2.-Eliminating the dictatorial state method in the planning, direction, and control of the national economy. A National Council for Economic planning will be created for this purpose, consisting of representatives from the Government, private enterprise, cooperatives, and workers organizations. One function of this Council will be to plan national production systematically, and it will be answerable to the Central Government. 3.-Agrarian Reform: A complete Agrarian Reform will take place which will rectify the sectarian and technical abuses, limitations, and deformities which occurred under the Sandinista regime. As part of this, once their cases have been reassessed technically and fairly, campesinos and their families who are able and have the desire to produce, but lack the adecuate means, can be given state lands for this purpose. Farming areas and production units will be technically delimitated, an efficient system of technical assistance and agricultural credit will be established, and family heritages will be accepted. The gathering of the campesino population in farmable areas and their concentration in townships and villages will be promoted, so that all the benefits of civilization such as health improvement, the increase of rural schools, construction and improvement of campesino housing, encouragement of local crafts, promotion of forestry for ecological and economical reasons, and the development of agro-industrialisation can be offered them. The campesino's traditional initiative and capacity to work will be reestablished and improved, and the historical levels of production and productivity in Nicaraguan agriculture will be regained and surpassed. As complementary measures for the complete development of the whole country, repairs and construction of new roads and highways will be undertaken, the railway will be rebuilt and extended to become one of the main forms of interregional transport, river and lake transport will be improved, factories and economic enterprises at present in recession will be reactivated, genuine literacy programs will be undertaken following a harmonious and productive plan of school education, and technical instruction will be provided for the rural population. 4.- Confiscations which took place under Decree No. 3 will hold firm, but deserving cases will be guaranteed reassessment. 5.- Cases of private property affected by confiscation, expropriation, land invasion and intervention, outside the law or based on laws which violate human rights, can be reassessed upon request by the affected parties. Properties will either be returned or suitable compensation given if this should not be possible. 6.- Because of the urgency of our case, and to make available the resources necessary to overcome the crisis and promote development, national plans will consider any convenient international financial and technical assistance, either through cooperation or investment. 7.- A new Law of Foreign Investments adapted to Nicaragua's development will be approved. 8.- Work will be directed at the balanced economical and social integration of Central American countries including the reactivation of the common market as a means of promoting the economic development of the area. 9.- The exclusive and excluding function of the State in national and international commerce will be eliminated. The participation of the public sector must be subsidiary, except in cases of extreme national interest where the State can take control. 10.- Tax policies will be reformed in the shortest possible time so that the fiscal tendency of charging consumers a series of indirect taxes can be brought down, and the whole taxation system will be revised to avoid the confiscating tendencies it has due to its inflationary impact. 11.- Active and passive interest rates will be established which will on the one hand stimulate repatriation of capital and on the other, make possible the development of productive activities with preferential rates. The capitalization of interest will not be put into practice. 12.- Industrialization will be encouraged for the agricultural development of the country and the maximum use of our raw materials and natural resources. 13.- National reconstruction and the economic development of the country will stem mainly from the maximum use made of its natural resources and raw materials, and from the creative work of Nicaraguans. Above and beyond spiritual incentives, all workers' productive efforts will be recompensed by wages in line with the cost of living, which will allow them to save money, and by material incentives which will satisfactorily repay individual output in productivity. 14.- The Government of National Salvation will strengthen the development of municipalities by transferring resources acquired through taxing their districts back to them. CHAPTER VI SOCIAL AREA The Government of National Salvation will allow the historically marginalized and exploited sectors of Nicaraguan society access to the material and spiritual benefits which society as a whole produces, extending the radius of social justice in this fashion. For this purpose the following steps will be taken: 1.- Labor legislation wil be brought up to date according to the demands made to UNO by the workers, and bearing in mind the democratic changes which will be taking place on a worldwide level. Freedom to form unions, unionism, union democracy, collective contracting, the right to work and to strike, are the pillars on which this legislation will be based. 2.- Promoting training programs for workers so they can make agreements with employers about their participation in the firms' capital and in the administrative planning and economic and social development of the same. Workers will take part in sharing the profits of firms. 3.- Promoting safe and hygienic working conditions and abolishing abuses and labor regulations which affect workers physical integrity and intellectual capacity. Any special regulation must be discussed and approved by the Ministry of Labor, the employers, and the workers. 5.- Guaranteeing a minimum wage in proportion to the cost of living, strengthening real wages, paying the thirteenth month in full and improving workers' standard of living. A Minimum Wage Law will be established for this purpose, as well as a National Minimum Wage Committee. 6.- Introducing programs for nutritional orientation which will contribute to the improvement of the people's diet. 7.- Guaranteeeing workers the promotion of educational, cultural, and sports plans. 8.- Creating programs specifically directed at women with the intention of establishing a true concept of their dignity in terms of their total integration with the family, social, economic, and political functions of our society. 9.- Childhood is considered one of the most important issues by the Government, which will promote constant activity to benefit children from the moment of conception, with the intention of giving them an integral development in order to strengthen the base of our society. At the same time, adecuate protection will be given to mothers and children during nursing to reduce infant mortality figures. 10.- Retirement pensions will be established according to the minimum needs of workers. Special programs will be created for retired peoople with the intention of incorporating them as much as possible in social activities. 11.- There will be programs for the professionals and technicians of the country which will guarantee them fairly paid jobs, adequate social and political conditions, and at the same time permit them to develop scientifically in the field of their profession. Encouraging the return of Nicaraguan professionals and technicians who have left the country by assuring them living conditions applicable to their professional status and human dignity. 12.- Developing a broad housing program with favorable payment conditions in the cities and the countryside, preferably using national construction materials. Both private and state investment will be encouraged in order to make dignified and comfortable housing available for all economic levels, and at the same time contribute to the aesthetic value of the cities. These same concepts will apply to construction taking place in rural areas. 13.- The abolition of the Single Health System, to be replaced by a scientifically organized National System, which will give autonomy back to Social Security and which will build new hospitals, health centers, and children's nurseries. The old ones which have been weakened by the present administration will be repaired, the organization of private clinics and hospitals will be encouraged, and the scientific level of the medical profession will be raised. As far as health is concerned, campaigns for environmental health, the erradication of endemic diseases, vaccination programs, and preventive medicine will take place. Clinics will be set up to attend to those who need special services such as the elderly and the disabled. 14.- Education will be based on the norms of good morals and good citizenship, as well as on principles of highly qualified scientific techniques which will allow for the complete formation of the individual. The right of parents to choose their childrens education will be respected. Primary and secondary education will be free and compulsory. As an alternative, technical education will be accessible to all youth and compatible with the conditions and needs of the country. A Teachers' Statute will be established which will asssure permanent work, adequate salary, professional promotion, academic qualification, free organization, loans, retirement plans, and a general improvement of the living standards of Nicaraguan teachers. 15.- A real literacy campaign will take place, in the form of a continuous primary education over several years which will be devoid of all political party propaganda. 16.- Books, magazines, and pamphlets will be published and radio and television programs broadcast on the subjects of national history and geography, national riches, our values, and the development of our society. 17.- Information on the different cultural expressions of other peoples will be widespread and available to all. 18.- An efficient public and collective transport service will be guaranteed for the city. As well, regional and interregional private transport wil be encouraged. 19.- Provide townships with the basic infrastructure and with opportunities and facilities for recreation, leisure and beautification for their inhabitants. 20.- Programs for the cleaning up of the environment will be promoted. NATIONAL OPPOSITION UNION (UNO) Dr. Ernesto Somarriba - Constitutional Liberal Party (PLC); Agustin Jarquin Anaya - Democratic Party of National Trust (PDCN); Roberto Urroz Castillo - Nicaraguan Democratic Movement (MDN); Eli Altamirano Perez - Nicaraguan Communist Party (PCdeN); Dr. Eduardo Rivas Gasteazoro - National Action Party (PAN); Dr. Andres Zuniga - Neo-Liberal Party (PNL); Mauricio Diaz Davila - Popular Social Christian Party (PPSC); Guillermo Potoy A. - Social Democratic Party (PSD); Dr. Gustavo Tablada Zelaya - Nicaraguan Socialist Party (PSN); Dr. Myriam Arguello Morales - Conservative Popular Alliance Party (PAPC); Dr. Silviano Matamoros - National Conservative Party (PNC); Dr. Virgilio Godoy Reyes - Independent Liberal Party (PLI); Dr. Hernaldo Zuniga Montenegro - National Conservative Action (ANC); Dr. Alejandro Perez Arevalo - Central American Integrationist Party (PIAC). --- Patt Haring | United Nations | FAX: 212-787-1726 | Information | BBS: 201-795-0733 patth@ccnysci.BITNET | Transfer Exchange | (3/12/24/9600 Baud) -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-