[misc.headlines.unitex] CentAm: Tela summit agreement

criesdif@mtxinu.COM (09/25/89)

/* Written  3:42 pm  Sep 23, 1989 by criesdif in ni:ni.centam-elect */
/* ---------- "CentAm: Tela summit agreement" ---------- */

Text of the document signed by the five Central American
presidents at the summit meeting in Tela held on the second
anniversary of the signing of the Esquipulas II agreements
which marked the beginning of the made-in-Central America
peace process.
The Central American Presidents, meeting in the port city of
Tela in the Republic of Honduras on August 5, 6 and 7, 1989,
     Taking into consideration and recognizing the important
work undertaken by the Executive Commission at its Ninth
Meeting and by the Technical Working Group, whose efforts
allowed this meeting to take place, and
     Considering that, in order to achieve a firm and
lasting peace and ensure implementation of the commitments
assumed by the Presidents in the Declarations of Accords
successively made at Alajuela and Costa del Sol, it is
necessary to comply with the steps agreed upon in Esquipulas
     1.   To ratify their conviction to promote all measures
aimed towards compliance with numerals 5 and 6 of the
Esquipulas Accord in order to prevent the use of one's
national territory to destabilize the Governments of the
Central American countries. In keeping with the above, they
subscribed the document containing the Joint Plan for the
Demobilization and Voluntary Repatriation and Relocation in
Nicaragua or Third Countries of the Members of the
Nicaraguan Resistance and Their Families, and on assistance
for the demobilization of all persons involved in armed
activities in the countries of the region, when they
voluntarily request such assistance.
     2.   To promote direct and mutually agreed resolutions
to those disputes that may arise between various Central
American countries. The Presidents of Guatemala, El Salvador
and Costa Rica thereby lent their moral support to and
endorsed the Agreement between Honduras and Nicaragua
regarding the case before the International Court of Justice
in The Hague.
     3.   To ratify the appeal to armed groups in the region
that still persist in the use of force, particularly the
FMLN, to abandon such actions. Towards this end, they have
approved Article III on assistance for the Voluntary
Demobilization of the FMLN. In Article III, the FMLN is
vehemently called upon to put an immediate and effective end
to hostilities, in order to engage in a dialogue which will
lead to a cessation of the armed struggle and to
incorporation of the members of the FMLN into the
institutional and democratic life of the country.
     4.   The Presidents recognize the efforts of the
Government of Guatemala to strengthen its process of
national reconciliation through extensive and permanent
dialogue in which the  National Reconciliation Commission
occupies a leading role. They likewise express their desire
that this dialogue will serve to consolidate the democratic,
pluralist and participatory process and, in accordance with
numeral 1 of the Esquipulas Procedure and domestic
legislation, reiterate an appeal to armed groups to abandon
those activities which contradict the spirit of this accord
and join in institutional political life by taking part in
the process of national reconciliation.
     5.   In light of the fact that Honduras and Nicaragua
have arrived at an agreement which includes the withdrawal
by Honduras of its reservation regarding the enactment of
the said Plan and the reiteration of the Honduran request to
send an international peace force to Honduran territory, the
Central American Presidents agree to request the United
Nations to adopt the necessary measures for establishing the
verification mechanism for security matters.
     6.   To ratify the call made by the Executive
Commission at its Ninth Meeting that the Central American
Commission on Environment and Development hold its First
Meeting in Guatemala City on August 30 and 31, 1989 so that
work be undertaken to prepare the draft convention governing
its nature and functions.
     7.   To reiterate the importance of the Central
American Parliament as a forum in which the peoples of the
area will discuss and formulate recommendations on the
political, economic, social and cultural problems of Central
America. It is essential that the treaty establishing the
Central American Parliament should enter into force as
rapidly as possible.
     8.   To forcefully condemn drug trafficking and abuse.
The Central American Presidents commit themselves to
promulgate laws and adopt drastic measures to prevent our
countries from becoming bases for drug traffickers. To
achieve these goals, regional and international co-operation
will be sought, agreements will be signed with countries
affected by such illicit trafficking, and steps will be
taken to permit effective control of drug trafficking.
     9.   The Central American Presidents agree to entrust
the Executive Commission with the task of discussing and
approving the document concerning political verification,
which will be ratified by the Presidents at their next

     Two years after the signing of the Esquipulas II Peace
Plan, the Presidents of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala,
Honduras and Nicaragua reiterate their resolve to comply
fully with all the commitments and agreements stipulated in
the Guatemala Procedure and the Alajuela and Costa del Sol
Declarations, particularly those pertaining to the
strengthening of the processes of national reconciliation
and the perfecting of the democratic processes, for which
strict compliance with the agreements reached is

The Central American Presidents agree to meet again before
the end of the year in the Republic of Nicaragua.

The Central American Presidents thank the people and
Government of Honduras, and in particular President Jose
Azcona Hoyo, for the hospitality extended to them.

Tela, Honduras, August 7, 1989.

OSCAR ARIAS SANCHEZ President of Costa Rica
VINICIO CEREZO AREVALO President of Guatemala
JOSE AZCONA H. President of Honduras
DANIEL ORTEGA SAAVEDRA President of Nicaragua

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