[misc.headlines.unitex] 9/25/89 Weekly Legislative Report

sfnatldc@labrea.stanford.edu (09/27/89)


The Weekly Legislative Report is updated on the second business day
of each week by the SANE/FREEZE:  Campaign for Global Security
Legislative Department.  This report is based on the political
objectives adopted by the SANE/FREEZE National Congress.  Please
help us by reporting your local lobbying activities to Mark W.
Harrison at (202) 546-7100 or send us a message via "mail" on
PeaceNet to sfnatldc.
    "Strengthening the SANE/FREEZE Grassroots Lobbying Network"
A workshop for all SANE/FREEZE Congressional District and Statewide
Coordinators at the National Congress, November  16-19, in Oakland,
California.  Date and time of workshop:  Friday, November 17, 9-11
                            ACTION ALERT
 **Urgent call for nationwide action--Please make this a priority**
Last week the Senate did not consider arms control amendments during
the debate of the FY 90 Defense Appropriations bill.  The amendments
are expected to be considered during the early part of this week.
Mobilize your grassroots lobbying network to urge your Senators to
*the Kerry-Jeffords amendment to prohibit funds for the testing of
 anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons as long as the Soviet Union refrains
 from such tests; and
*the Leahy-Hatfield-Wirth amendment to eliminate procurement funding
 for the B-2 Bomber in FY 1990.
Also, urge them to oppose any amendment to increase spending for
Star Wars.
The number for the Capitol Hill switchboard is (202) 224-3121.
        **Current status and messages for ongoing lobbying**
Because Congress will not complete work on all 13 appropriations
bills by October 1, the beginning of the new fiscal year, a short-
term Continuing Resolution is expected to be considered this week by
the House and Senate to provide funding until October 25 for all
government programs for which no FY 90 appropriation has been
House conferees on the strategic panel of the Conference Committee
on the FY 90 Defense Authorization bill are standing firm on
several arms control provisions that were adopted by the House.
Thus far, they are standing firm on the House position to eliminate
the Midgetman and a cut in Star Wars funding closer to the House
level of $3.1 billion.
Message:  Please continue writing/calling conferees on the
Conference Committee.  If your Senator is a conferee, you may want
to call him.
*Express your opposition for funding Star Wars, MX, Midgetman and
 the B-2  Bomber.  Urge him/her to maintain, at a maximum, spending
 levels for Star Wars ($3.1 billion), MX Rail Garrison ($600
 million), and the B-2 Bomber ($3.76 billion) that were adopted by
 the House, and to stand firm on no money for the Midgetman and the
 cap of 50 on the number of MX missiles.
*Urge support for the House position to prohibit site preparation
 for the Special Isotope Separation (SIS) plutonium production
 facility slated for Idaho.
House Conferees:  (Democrats) Aspin*, Bennett*, Montgomery,,
Dellums*, Schroeder*, Byron, Mavroules*, Hutto, Skelton, Leath (TX),
McCurdy*, Foglietta, Dyson, Lloyd, Ray, Spratt*, Darden,
Hochbrueckner*, Brennan*, Pickett, Lancaster, and Evans*.
(Republicans) Dickinson*, Spence, Stump, Hopkins, Davis*, Hunter,
Martin (NY), Kasich, Bateman, Blaz, Ireland, Hansen*, Rowland (CT),
and Kyl*.
*Strategic Panel  -- Additional Republicans on the panel are Dornan
and McCrery.
Senate Conferees:  (Democrats)  Nunn, Exon, Levin, Kennedy,
Bingaman, Dixon, Glenn, Gore, Wirth, Shelby, and Byrd.
(Republicans) Warner, Thurmond, Cohen, Wilson, McCain, Wallop,
Gorton, Lott and Coats.
If your Members of Congress are not conferees, please write or call
the House leadership on the above message:
Speaker Thomas S. Foley                 Rep. Richard A. Gephardt
H-204 Capitol Bldg.                     House Majority Leader
Washington, D. C.  20515                H-114 Capitol Bldg.
(202) 225-5604                          Washington, D. C.  20515
                                        (202) 225-0100
1)  New Report:  The Union of Concerned Scientists released its
report on tritium last week.  The major findings of the report,
entitled "The Tritium Problem and the Proton Accelerator," are:
*Congress should insist that DOE take all feasible measures to
optimize the use of existing tritium supplies, including those
available from the neutron bomb stockpile.
*The Bush administration should give high priority to completion of
a START treaty.  Restart of the Savannah River Plant reactors should
be deferred for two years while the negotiations on START continue.
*Congress and the administration should not commit to build two
production reactors.  Other viable options for tritium production
should be fully investigated.
*Congress should appropriate funds for an engineering study of the
proton linear accelerator concept to assess its technical
feasibility and cost-effectiveness.
The author of the report is Dr. Allan Krass, a professor of
physics and science policy at Hampshire College, and a senior arms
analyst with UCS.  For a copy of the report, write:  Union of
Concerned Scientists, 1616 P Street, NW, Suite 310, Washington, D.C.
2)  Don't call David Culp:  David Culp, lobbyist for Plutonium
Challenge, prefers that you not call him.  Please honor his
request.  For questions on DOE issues, please call the SANE/FREEZE
Legislative Department or Janet Miller, Washington State SANE/FREEZE
and DOE Program Coordinator, at (206) 527-8050.
1) Nicaraguan Elections:  SANE/FREEZE has the endorsed the Citizens'
Campaign for Free and Fair Elections in Nicaragua.  The campaign is
a project of Witness for Peace.  For an information sheet on the
campaign, please write/call the SANE/FREEZE Legislative Department.
250 national religious leaders have written Congress to urge
opposition to any additional U.S. funding--overt or covert--to
influence the Nicaraguan elections.
Message:  Urge your Congressional delegation to oppose any U.S.
funds--overt or covert--to influence the Nicaraguan elections.  $3.5
million has already been spent in 1989.
2.  El Salvador:  On Wednesday, September 20, the Senate removed the
Leahy-Hatfield-Harkin language from the FY 90 Foreign Aid
Appropriations bill.  This language placed restrictions on aid to El
Salvador.  The administration would have been required to report on
efforts to end the war through negotiations and respect for human
rights, and given Congress the chance to reject all or part of
the last third of the military aid to be sent in 1990.  The vote to
remove the language was 67-33.  In place of the Leahy-Hatfield-
Harkin provision, the Senate passed an amendment by Sen. Dodd (D-
CT), joined by Sens. Kasten, Sanford, Kerry (D-MA), Graham,
Kassebaum and Robb, raising the cap on military aid by $5 million
to $90 million and inserting non-binding language encouraging
Message:  Send a letter expressing your disappointment to the
following Senators for supporting the Dodd amendment:  Dodd, Kerry,
Sanford, Gore, Kerrey (D-NE), Sasser, Sanford, Mitchell and
Metzenbaum.  Tell them it is time for a negotiated settlement of the
conflict in El Salvador!!!
The National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament has
started publication of its newsletter, "The New Economy."
Subscription rate:  $12 (regular) or $8 (low income) for one year
subscription (5 issues).  To subscribe, write:  National Commission
for Economic Conversion and Disarmament, P.O. Box 15025, Washington,
D.C.  20003.  Telephone:  (202) 544-5059.
SANE/FREEZE has endorsed the Royal Dutch/Shell Boycott.  Shell
maintains extensive investments and operations in South Africa.  As
a condition for investing in South Africa, Shell must supply oil to
the South African government and the military and police, the brutal
enforcers of the apartheid regime.  The United Mine Workers is
coordinating the national boycott of Shell in conjunction with 100
national labor, church, civil rights and citizens' organizations,
including the AFL-CIO, the National Council of Churches, the NAACP,
and the Free South Africa Movement.  In addition to the U.S., the
boycott is active in fourteen other countries.
SANE/FREEZE will be part of the peace contingent which will march
from the Pentagon.  Look for the SANE/FREEZE banner.  Time and
place:  10 AM, South Parking Lot of the Pentagon.
                           --end of text-

Patt Haring                | United Nations    | FAX: 212-787-1726
patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu    | Information       | BBS: 201-795-0733
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          -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-