unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (10/04/89)
THE NORTH AMERICAN EDIFACT BOARD P R E S S R E L E A S E - F O R I M M E D I A T E U S E Brussels, Belgium - 29 September, 1989 UN/EDIFACT - The Work Continues Brussels, the administrative center of the European Communities, has this week been the scene of the latest UN/EDIFACT Joint Rapporteurs Team Meeting. Some 120 experts from many industries and all European countries, North America, Australia, and New Zealand held a week long meeting under the auspices of the United Nations to accelerate the now rapid expansion of UN/EDIFACT, the international standard for electronic data interchange (EDI). The approach of 1992 and the growing integration of world markets make it particularly appropriate that the meetings were hosted by the Com- mission of the European Communities (CEC) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). The Joint Rapporteurs Meeting followed a very successful meeting of UN/ECE Working Party 4 on the Facilitation of International Trade Pro- cedures at which 23 messages were approved to be formally in process. The UN Committee also welcomed the joint statement of interest in UN/ EDIFACT from Australia and New Zealand, and noted their intention to nominate a UN/EDIFACT Rapporteur at the March 1990 session of the UN/ ECE WP.4. The Brussels meeting significantly advanced the development and alignment of all messages, and as normal, progressed the outstan- ding technical and procedural issues. "It is exciting to be able to announce that we now have four more mes- sages and an important message framework for transport approved by the United Nations for formal trial use," said Nicole Willenz, the North American UN/EDIFACT Rapporteur. "The strategic significance of UN/EDI- FACT is now being even further emphasized by the commitment of govern- ments as well as companies." Over forty messages are now under active development in areas of Trade and Materials Management, Transport, Customs, Banking, and Insurance. These messages cover the most important procedures used internationally in all economic and government sectors, from basic industries to ser- vices and administration. "Japan and other Far Eastern countries are becoming actively involved, and it is anticipated that formal applications to join the UN/EDIFACT process will be forthcoming from the North Pacific in 1990," said Eugeniusz Danikiewicz, the Eastern European Rapporteur. Ray Walker, the Western European Rapporteur, commented, "A week of high quality technical input which has completed the foundation for the world wide application of UN/EDIFACT standards." The next UN/EDIFACT Joint Rapporteurs Meeting will be held in April 1990 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. For further information regarding this press release, contact: R.T.Crowley Chair, Promotions Committee (201) 785-9565 For further information regarding UN/EDIFACT in general, contact: Robert C. Hurd NAEB, Secretariat (DISA) (703) 548-7005 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501) --- Patt Haring | United Nations | FAX: 212-787-1726 patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu | Information | BBS: 201-795-0733 patth@ccnysci.BITNET | Transfer Exchange | (3/12/24/9600 Baud) -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-