[misc.headlines.unitex] Legislative Report 10/2/89

sfnatldc@labrea.stanford.edu (10/05/89)

Status: OR

The Weekly Legislative Report is updated on the second business day
of each week by the SANE/FREEZE:  Campaign for Global Security
Legislative Department.  This report is based on the political
objectives adopted by the SANE/FREEZE National Congress.  Please
help us by reporting your local lobbying activities to Mark W.
Harrison at (202) 546-7100 or send us a message via "mail" on
PeaceNet to sfnatldc.
        **Current status and messages for ongoing lobbying**
During consideration of the FY 90 Defense Appropriations bill, the
Senate flipped flop on its position of funding for Star Wars.  On
Tuesday, September 26, the Senate rejected by a vote of 66-34 a
Wallop amendment to increase funding for Star Wars and other weapons
programs (i.e. Trident II D-5 missile) which were cut by the
Appropriations Committee.  It then turned around and reversed
itself.  On Thursday, September 28, the Senate approved by a vote of
53-47 a Stevens amendment to increase Star Wars funding by $600
million, bringing the funding level to $4.6 billion as authorized in
July.  Even though he warned the Bush administration that the
program was in deep trouble in Congress, Sen. Nunn led the floor
debate in support of the Stevens amendment.
The reasons given for the flip flop are:  (1) Senate conferees on
the FY 90 Defense Authorization bill need negotiating room with the
House [$4.6 billion vs $3.1 billion]; (2) the Wallop amendment
contained additional funds for a number of military programs and the
Stevens amendment did not; and (3) the White House pushed for
additional Star Wars funding.
Message:  The following Senators switched their vote from a freeze
of Star Wars funding [the Johnston amendment] during consideration
of the FY 90 Defense Authorization bill in July to support for the
Stevens amendment to increase funding for the program:  Ford, Heinz,
Specter, Inouye and Glenn.  Call/write these Senators expressing
your disappointment for switching their vote to support more money
for Star Wars after earlier supporting a freeze in funding for the
Other arms control votes during Senate debate of the FY 90 Defense
Appropriations bill were:
*Leahy-Hatfield-Wirth amendment to eliminate procurement funding for
 the B-2 Bomber in FY 90 - Rejected 71-29
*Kerry-Jeffords amendment to prohibit funds for the testing of anti-
 satellite (ASAT) weapons as long as the Soviet Union refrains from
 such tests - Adopted by voice vote as a non-binding sense of
 Congress resolution
No progress on the big issues - Star Wars, MX/Midgetman, and B-2.
Message:  See September 25 Legislative Report.
On Tuesday, October 3, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will
hold a hearing on U.S. policy options toward South Africa, including
strengthened economic sanctions.  The following Senators are key for
passage of S. 507, the Dellums-Simon comprehensive sanctions bill:
Hatfield, Boren, Nunn, Specter, Heinz, Robb, Sanford, Pell,
Danforth, Heflin, Daschle, Coats, Lugar and Kassebaum.
Message:  If your Senator is listed above urge him/her to support S.
On October 5 and 19, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources
Committee will hold hearings on the Department of Energy's health
research program.  Secretary of Energy Watkins will testify on the
5th, and others witnesses will appear on the 19th.  This is the
fourth Congressional hearing on this program this year, but it will
be the first opportunity for this Committee to review DOE health
issues that falls within its jurisdiction.
Message:  If your Senator is listed, please urge him to attend the
October 19 hearing:  Kohl, Bradley, Metzenbaum, Conrad, Bumpers and
Hatfield.  Also urge them to co-sponsor S. 972, the Radiation
Research Reorganization Act.  This bill, sponsored by Sen. Wirth (D-
CO), would transfer DOE's radiation research programs to the
Department of Health and Human Services.
The Partial Test Ban Treaty of 1963 prohibiting atmospheric nuclear
testing was written so that it can be amended to become a
Comprehensive Test Ban against all nuclear tests.  A United Nations
Amendment conference must occur if 39 countries request it.  THIS
HAS BEEN DONE.  The 41st country requested the Conference in July.
It will take place in 1990.  For the Amendment to be passed a
majority of the parties to the PTBT, including the U.S., USSR and
Britain must vote for it.  These three countries have the power to
veto the Amendment.
The International Comprehensive Test Ban Campaign has written a
Senate-House Resolution on United States Participation in the
Partial Test Ban Treaty Amendment Conference.  [SANE/FREEZE is a
member of the ICTBC.]  The resolutions calls upon the President:
(1) to ensure, through the United States' role as a Depository
Government of the Partial Test Ban Treaty, that a conference of
parties to the treaty commences prior to the Non-Proliferation
Treaty review;
(2) to pursue negotiations in good faith at the amendment conference
for conversion of the Partial Test Ban Treaty into a comprehensive
test ban treaty with adequate verification provisions; and
(3) to report to the United State Senate/House of Representatives by
______________ on United States Government preparations for the
Partial Test Ban Treaty Amendment Conference and the 1990 Non-
Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee may hold a hearing on the
Partial Test Ban Treaty Amendment Conference on October 31.
Message:  If your Senator is a Member of the Foreign Relations
Committee urge him/her to support a hearing on the Partial Test Ban
Treaty Amendment Conference and to support the Partial Test Ban
Treaty Amendment Conference resolution.  Tell your Senator that
he/she can obtain a copy of the resolution from Bill Ashworth of the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Members of the Committee are:  Pell, Biden, Sarbanes, Cranston,
Dodd, Kerry, Simon, Sanford, Moynihan, Robb, Helms, Lugar,
Kassebaum, Boschwitz, Pressler, Murkowski, McConnell, Humphrey, and
If your Senator is not a Member of the Foreign Relations Committee,
call/write Sen. Pell, Chairman of the Committee, and urge him to
introduce the Partial Test Ban Treaty Amendment Conference
resolution in the Senate and to hold a hearing on October 31.
Sen. Claiborne Pell
335 Russell
Washington, D. C.  20510
(202) 224-4642
                          --end of text--

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          -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-