unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (10/06/89)
VERMONT PUSHES FOR NATION'S SIXTH GREAT LAKE Via GreenLink: ================================================================= October 3, 1989 VERGENNES, Vt. (UPI) -- Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said Monday he will file legislation seeking to name Lake Champlain the nation's sixth Great Lake in hopes of winning increased federal funding for cleanup and research efforts. "This lake has taken all the abuse we could give it, and it still stirs us with its promise and beauty," Leahy told scientists, environmentalists and government officials gathered for a two-day symposium on the lake. "We have been fighting a delaying action up to now -attempting to control and limit the damage," Leahy said. "Today, we commit ourselves to reverse the damage we have done." The five Great Lakes -- Michigan, Eerie, Huron, Superior and Ontario -- currently receive massive amounts of federal funding. The money is distributed by a government commission. "These six lakes are connected to the St. Lawrence Seaway, and should be treated similarly," Leahy said. "The intensive federal research and restoration efforts being made in the Great Lakes should be broadened to include Lake Champlain." Lake Champlain is the nation's largest freshwater lake after the Great Lakes. Although relatively clean compared to the Great Lakes, PCBs and other toxic chemicals make it hazardous to eat some fish pulled from Champlain. Soil erosion, pesticide runoff, phosphorous pollution and a large population of parasitic sea lampreys are also among the Lake's problems. Leahy said any future federal legislation regarding Lake Champlain should free up money for more research on the lake's ecosystem, monitoring of pollutants, planning for cleanup and the encouragement of more environmentally sound farming practices along the lake's shoreline. Leahy said fellow Sens. James Jeffords, R-Vt., Daniel Moynihan, D-N.Y., and Alfonse D'Amato, R-N.Y., will join him in the effort. * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501) --- Patt Haring | United Nations | FAX: 212-787-1726 patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu | Information | BBS: 201-795-0733 patth@ccnysci.BITNET | Transfer Exchange | (3/12/24/9600 Baud) -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-