unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (10/06/89)
(1) From the Prime Minister of Norway, Mrs. Gro Harlem Brundtland. The Dalai Lama has for decades been an advocate of dialog and cooperation across religious and national barriers. He has consistently sought peaceful solutions based on tolerance and respect for His people's religious, historical and cultural identity. In his efforts the Dalai Lama stands out as an untiring spokesman for human dignity. His message is based on reverence for all things living and upon the idea of universal responsibility which includes mankind as well as nature. This year's peace prize is therefore a concrete support to all who strive for the increased awareness of each individual's responsibility for our common future. End of Statement (2) Statement by Foreign Minister of Norway, Mr. Thorvald Stoltenberg. The decision by the Norwegian Nobel Committee to award this year's peace prize to the Dalai Lama represents support both to a message and to a person. The Dalai Lama's efforts to save his people's cultural and historical identity and his message of understanding among men are built on his belief in non-violence. He has through his life and efforts inspired others to work for these ideals. It is my hope that this year's peace prize will give added strength to these principles in our conflict-ridden world. End of Statement * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501) --- Patt Haring | United Nations | FAX: 212-787-1726 patth@sci.ccny.cuny.edu | Information | BBS: 201-795-0733 patth@ccnysci.BITNET | Transfer Exchange | (3/12/24/9600 Baud) -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-