unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (10/11/89)


     I would like to tell you, Ladies and Gentlemen, that it is with
     great pleasure that we are extending our invitation to the
     Secretary of Defense of the United States, Mr. Cheney, to go on
     a visit to the Soviet Union at an acceptable time.  We have a
     good saying in the Soviet Union, that a debt is to be repaid. We
     will do all our best in order to prepare a similar kind of an
     exercise with the participation of the Soviet forces, and we are
     going to plan some other functions and measures in order to show
     them to the U.S. military delegation when it comes to the Soviet

     You probably will ask your question about what struck me most
     during my tour of the United States, and I think what I was
     impressed by most of all.  I would like to give you a single
     word answer.  Soldiers.  Soldiers that evident are dedicated
     young men that have high proficiency in order to carry out their
     duties and functions, and that took pride in demonstrating their
     high training standards to the Soviet military delegation.  And
     we're grateful to all of the that did their best in order to
     successfully complete the instructions they received and showed
     what they did to our delegation.

     I am concluding my remarks at this point, so that you will have
     more time to ask me questions.

     Q:  What is the B-2 bomber threat?  How do you perceive it?  What
     would i cost you to upgrade your air defense in order to deal
     with it?

     Min. Yazov  We do not consider it to be a challenge on the part
     of the Un States with regard to the Soviet Union.  You are
     asking me a question about th B-2 bomber, right? We do not
     consider it to be a challenge.  You keep perfecti your military
     hardware.  We also keep perfecting our military weapon systems.
     I think in this particular context, it is not the bomber that
     should go to the foreground.  It is the atmosphere of trust that
     should be placed in the foregr We do not believe, and we hope
     that you would not use these planes attacking the Soviet Union,
     so that we would not be forced to bring them down.

     Let me ask you a question.  Are you serious about believing that
     the Sovi Union is preparing to go to war with the United
     States?  (Laughter)

     Q:  You say the B-2 bomber is not a challenge.  Is the B-2 bomber
     a threa And how much will it cost to upgrade your air defenses?

     A:  We don't have to modify the Soviet air defense system.  The
     Soviet ai defenses have the capability today to bring down any
     aircraft.  I would like t underscore again that you might have
     any type of an air defense system and the adversary can have the
     capability to penetrate that air defense system.  So th question
     is, at what expense the air defense system can be penetrated.  So
     I don't believe you are going to undertake an operation to
     penetrate the Soviet air defense system, and we are not going to
     kill the aircraft that tries to penetrate the air defense

     Some of the people believe that as long as a new weapon system
     comes out it is always to be regarded as a new threat.  Why?

     Q:  Mr. Minister, a few days ago the Pentagon released its annual
     report on Soviet military power.  Although it acknowledged many
     important reforms in the Soviet military, the report said that
     the Soviet strategic nuclear arsenal is more fearsome today than
     it was four years ago.  Your host has argued befor Congress that
     we need to build a mobile MX and a small mobile missile to count
     your new systems that are called here the SS-24 and SS-25.  I'd
     like you pleas to respond to these things.

     A:  I would like to say the following.  The Soviet armed forces
     have not been increased in terms of numbers.  The situation is
     that certain types of systems have become obsolete in their
     service life periods and now are being replaced by other
     systems.   Besides, the technology has been making progress and
     somewhat modified weapon systems have been created and developed.
     The new modern weapon systems are now replacing the obsolete
     weapon systems.  We do no say that those are weak weapon
     systems.  That is why the Soviet proposal still stands, that the
     bilateral negotiations on a 50 percent cut of strategic offen
     arms would be continued.  Even if after we have concluded
     agreements on a 50 percent cut of strategic offensive arms, what
     remains within the inventories for each of the sides will be
     enough in order to anihilate each other.  Is tha our objective?

     So I believe the work on concluding a 50 percent agreement is the
     first task which is to be followed by more agreements in order
     to bring about the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.  As
     long as we have nuclear weapons, people on this earth will not
     be peacefully sleeping, will not be living in peace.

     As far as the booklet goes, I have leafed through the booklet.
     The lates edition of _S_o_v_i_e_t__M_i_l_i_t_a_r_y__P_o_w_e_r
     has bee the past.  Of course, it doesn't write that the Soviet
     Union is a friend of th United States, but it doesn't write,
     either, that the Soviet Union is an enemy of the United States.

     Q:  Mr. Minister, the Strategic Defense Initiative, SDI, has
     decreased in emphasis in this country, or appears to be.  The

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

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