unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (10/11/89)


     Posting Date: 10/09/89        Copyright UNITEX Communications, 1989
     UNITEX Network, USA           ISSN: 1043-7932

     The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) this afternoon
     took up the pattern of conferences and continued consideration
     of financial reports and statements of the Board of Auditors.

     Franziska Friessnigg, Chairman of the Committee on Conferences,
     introduced the Committee's report on the pattern of conferences
     (document A/44/32), which contained draft resolutions on the
     calendar of conferences, extending the discontinuance of summary
     records and equal treatment of the Organization's official

     Eugeniusz Wyzner, Under-Secretary-General for Conference Services
     and Special Assignments, introduced the report of the
     Secretary-General on the equal treatment of all official
     languages of the United Nations (document A/44/502).

     Reports on the representation of organizations of the United
     Nations system at conferences and meetings (documents A/43/456
     and A/44/135) were introduced by Ivan Kojic, Inspector of the
     Joint Inspection Unit (JIU).

     Statements on financial reports, audited financial statements and
     reports of the Board of Auditors were made by representatives of
     Egypt, the United Republic of Tanzania and Ghana.

     A representative of the United Nations Development Programme
     (UNDP) spoke in response to earlier statements on the Board of
     Auditors' financial reports.  Statements on those reports were
     made by the representatives of India and France and by Luis
     Maria Gomez, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Administration
     and Management and Assistant Secretary-General for Programme
     Planning, Budget and Finance.

     When the Committee meets next at 10 a.m. on Monday, 9 October, it
     will continue its examination of financial reports and of the
     pattern of conferences.

     Committee Work Programme

     The Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary) meets this
     afternoon to begin consideration of the pattern of conferences
     and continue consideration of financial reports, audited
     financial statements and reports of the Board of Auditors (for
     background see Press Releases GA/AB/2588 of 2 October and
     GA/AB/2589 of 4 October).

     Pattern of Conferences

     The Committee has before it the report of the Committee on
     Conferences (document A/42/32), containing three draft
     resolutions recommended for General Assembly approval.

     By draft resolution A, the Assembly would be asked to approve the
     draft calendar of conferences and meetings for the biennium
     1990-1991 submitted by the Committee on Conferences; to
     authorize the Committee on Conferences to make adjustments that
     might be necessary as a result of this year's Assembly action;
     and to urge United Nations organs which did not make adequate use
     of conference-servicing resources to consider reducing the
     number of meetings requested in the future.

     By draft resolution B, the Assembly would be asked to extend for
     another year the experimental period during which no subsidiary
     organ of the Assembly, with the exception of seven bodies, shall
     be entitled to summary records.

     By draft resolution C, the Assembly would be asked to request
     the Secretary-General to continue to implement resolution
     42/207/C, dealing with respect for equal treatment of the
     official languages of the United Nations.

     Also before the Committee was the Secretary-General's report on
     efforts to implement the resolution for equal treatment of
     languages (document A/44/502).  The report stated that
     provisions of the proposed programme budget for the biennium
     1990-1991 were intended to ensure adequate conference-servicing
     facilities, assuming that the demand for conferences services
     would not increase significantly.

     The Committee also has reports by the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU)
     on the pattern of conferences (documents A/43/586 and
     A/44/135).  The JIU has recommended that only one person per
     United Nations department attend meetings

     Introduction of Report

     EUGENIUSZ WYZNER, Under-Secretary-General for Conference Services
     and Special Assignments, introduced the report of the
     Secretary-General on the implementation of resolution 42/207 C
     on equal treatment of all official languages of the United
     Nations (document A/44/502).  He said recent international
     developments had increased the Organization's peace-making and

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

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          -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-