unitex@rubbs.fidonet.org (unitex) (10/11/89)


     Posting Date: 10/09/89        Copyright UNITEX Communications, 1989
     UNITEX Network, USA           ISSN: 1043-7932

     Jimmy Arturo Rodriquez, a renowned sports commentator in
     Honduras, is one of the growing numbers of radio broadcasters
     using their technical knowledge and widespread popularity to
     carry health messages to mothers and children throughout the

     UNICEF Honduras and the Honduran Ministry of Health recently
     conducted courses for 100 radio broadcasters on child survival
     and development issues.  Four separate courses spread over a
     five-day period familiarized the radio professionals in such
     subjects as child mortality, immunization, diarrhoeal disease
     and acute respiratory infection.  As part of the exercise,
     broadcasters prepared appealing mini-radio programmes to
     heighten awareness and educate mothers and their families.

     This type of training takes on greater importance given the role
     and outreach of radio in this Central American country.  The
     population of Honduras is estimated at 4.5 million, of which
     over half can neither read nor write.

     A recent study conducted by UNICEF Honduras and the Ministry of
     Health indicated that radio was one of the most effective ways
     to reach people during an immunization campaign.  Sixty per cent
     of mothers polled said that they owned working radios, compared
     to 31 per cent who had access to television.

     But the same study showed that while 96 per cent of these mothers
     were convinced of the need to vaccinate their children, only 13
     per cent were aware that their children required the full
     schedule of vaccines during their first year of life.

     Such findings underscore the urgent need to use radio, in
     combination with other mass media and traditional communication
     channels, to not only inform but educate mothers to improve
     health practices.

     Source: UNICEF, Tegucigalpa

 * Origin: UNITEX --> Toward a United Species (1:107/501)

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          -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-