[fa.info-vax] sys vs batch jobs

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/12/85)

From: Gail Rubin <grubin@bbn-spca>

Is this solution good enough for your purposes:
 Have your system wide login check for a batch job (via F$MODE) and exit
if it is a batch job. This would mean that ALL batch jobs on your system
would not execute the system login; that might not be what you wanted.

-- Gail Rubin
(grubin@bbn-spca or @bbn-unix)

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/13/85)

From: Kathy Minnich <kathy@UDel-Huey.ARPA>

 >  This would mean that ALL batch jobs on your system would not
 >  execute the system login; that might not be what you wanted.

that sounds fine.  i just thought that it would be nice if the system
login setup could be transparent to the user and not muddy up their
log files which are created by "submit"  (something similar to "csh -f"
in UNIX).  i wasn't thinking about any specific programs or batch jobs.

one other thing:  do you know if the login command procedure is read
in by "submit" when it's set in the sysuaf LGICMD field?  i haven't
tried that yet, but i didn't like the idea of not executing the user's
login.com file if there was one (since the login procedure executes 
either the one in LGICMD or the user's login.com).  i know that you
could hack the LGICMD procedure up to look for a user's login.com file,
then execute it if it's there, but .... i just wanted to know if there 
was an easy way around it all.


PS:  i got your other note, too, but replied to the first one.

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/13/85)

From: Bill Blackwell <blackwel@bbn-spca>


    Perhaps what you want to do is suppress echoing of the login
command procedure, but still execute it.  You can do this by adding
a "V = F$VERIFY(0)" at the beginning of SYLOGIN.COM and "V = F$VERIFY(V)"
at the end.

    When an interactive job logs in, VERIFY is set off.  When a batch
job logs in VERIFY is set on.  You can explicitly control VERIFY (echoing
of commands in command procedures) with the "SET VERIFY" and "SET NOVERIFY"
commands or with the lexical functions illustrated above.  The advantage
of the function is that it returns the current state so that you can
restore it later.

	-- Bill