criesdif@cdp.uucp (10/28/89)
NICARAGUA: POLL GIVES FSLN THE LEAD (ni.centam-elect 174 lines) THE CENTRAL AMERICAN UNIVERSITY (UCA) AN OPINION POLL ON VOTER PREFERENCES IN NICARAGUA CONDUCTED FROM OCTOBER 2-7, 1989 RELEASED ON OCTOBER 24, 1989 MANAGUA, NICARAGUA INTRODUCTION The following information is a summary of the principal results of a poll on "Trends among Eligible Voters from the 1990 Elections in Nicaragua" conducted by the Nicaraguan firm ECO (an Opinion Research and Counsulting firm) for the Institute for Research, Academic Development and Popular Education of the Central American University (UCA) in Managua, Nicaragua. METHODOLOGY The Poll was conducte simultaneously in 31 municipalities in the Pacific, North and Central Regions of the country during the period of october 2-7, 1989. The collection of data was based on interviews of persons 16 years of age or older, in previously selected homes. The sample was bases on visits to 4,397 individual homes, with interviews conducted in 4,114 homes. There was a 6.4 percent of interviews denied or invalid questionaires. The design and selection of the sample was done in accordance with quotas determined by sex, age and geographic regions (using existing demographic information). The houses were chosen at random by computer on the basis of their location. In the countrusyde a cartographic sampling framework was employed. The margin of error is estimated at 2 percent on a national average. Filed work was carried out by three regional coordinators, nine supervisores and 43 interviewers, the last group with ample experience in conducting polls. SAMPLING In accordance with the variables of sex, age and geographic distribution, the sample included the following: SEX MEN 45.2% WOMEN 54.8% AGE GROUPS 16-20 years of age 20.2% 21-25 years of age 17.5% 26-35 years of age 26.3% 36-50 years of age 26.3% 51 or over 15.3% REGIONS Region I 11.1% Region II 16.5% Region III 30.8% Region IV 18.4% Region V 9.5% Region VI 13.7% RESULTS OF THE POLL REGARDING VOTER PREFERENCES There is a high degree of voter confidence in the electoral process. . The Party with the largest number of votes is the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). . The number of undecided voters remains high. . The credibility of the opposition is low. . The majority of persons interviewed have a favorable opinion of the current government. PEOPLE WHO INTEND TO VOTE A high percentage of persons interviewed (78.4%) stated their intention to vote. This is consistent with the 66.3% rate of persons who agree that the Government is interested in carry out clean elections. Are you going to vote in 1990? Yes 78.4% No 9.4% Dont know 10.6% No response 1.7% VOTER PREFERENCES The results of this survey show that among decided voters, 36.5% of the persons interviewed would vote for the Sandinista Front, while 18.1% intend to voter for UNO (the National Opposition Union). That is to say, there is a 2-1 voter preference favoring the ruling Party. The remaining opposition parties combined received 2.0%. What Party candidates do you intend to vote for President and Vice President in fabruary of 1990? FSLN (Sandinista National Liberation Front) 36.5% UNO (National Opposition Union) 18.1% PSC (Social Christian Party) 0.8% PCD (Democratic Conservative Party) 0.4% PUCA (Central American Unionist Party) 0.3% MAP (Popular Action Movement) 0.3% PLIUN (Liberal-Party of National Unity) 0.2% PRT (Revolutionary Worker's Party) 0 MUR (Movement for Revolutionary Unity) 0 Don't know 28.1% No response 13.7% The 28.1% that answered still undecided on who they would vote for, gave the following explanations: "its still too early", "I don't know what each party stands for", "I don't know who the candidates are", "I don't know the different parties". THE CREDIBILITY OF THE OPPOSITION A high percentage of the persons interviewed (44.2%) do not believe the opposition is capable of resolving the problems facing the country, while 21.4% said they are and 28.1% said they did not know it the opposition was capable of solving the country's problems. THE IMAGE OF THE GOVERNMENT The majority of the population interviewed had a favorable image of the Government, giving it the following ratings: "seeks peace" (69.0%), "seeks a better future for Nicaraguans" (55.1%), "guarantees freedom and democracy" (51.5%), "defends the interests of the people" (51.2%), "has brought improvements to the country" (50.7%). WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT THE CURRENT GOVERNMENT. TO DETERMINE THIS I WILL READ A LIST OF OPINIONS, INDICATE WHICH STATEMENTS YOU AGREE TO AND WITH WHICH YOU DISAGREE. 1. THE GOVT HAS BROUGHT IMPROVEMENTS TO THE COUNTRY AGREE: 50.7%; DISAGREE: 23.1%; SOMETIMES: 15.3%; NO RESPONSE:10.5%. 2. SEEKS PEACE AGREE: 69.0%; DISAGREE: 15.0%; SOMETIMES: 5.9%; NO RESPONSE: 9.7%. 3. DEFENDS THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE AGREE: 51.2%; DISAGREE: 23.3%; SOMETIMES: 12.1%; NO RESPONSE: 12.8%. 4. GUARANTEES FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY AGREE: 51.5%; DISAGREE: 23.7%; SOMETIMES: 7.9%; NO RESPONSE: 16.4%. 5. SEEKS A BETTER FUTURE FOR NICARAGUANS AGREE: 55.1%; DISAGREE: 24.0%; SOMETIMES: 6.7%; NO RESPONSE: 13.5%. 6. IS INTERESTED IN CARRYING OUT CLEAN ELECTIONS AGREE: 66.3%; DISAGREE: 12.6%; SOMETIMES: 2.2%; NO RESPONSE: 18.2%. 7. ARE POOR ADMINISTRATORS AGREE: 28.8%; DISAGREE: 40.6%; SOMETIMES: 12.3%; NO RESPONSE: 17.7%. 8. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DIFFICULT ECONOMIC SITUATION OF THE COUNTRY AGREE: 36.7%; DISAGREE: 39.6%; SOMETIMES: 9.3%; NO RESPONSE: 13.8%. 9. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WAR AGREE: 20.7%; DISAGREE: 59.9%; SOMETIMES: 4.3%; NO RESPONSE: 14.4%. --- Patt Haring | United Nations | Screen Gems in | Information | misc.headlines.unitex patth@ccnysci.BITNET | Transfer Exchange | -=- Every child smiles in the same language. -=-