info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/19/85)
From: Provan@LLL-MFE.ARPA Can someone tell me how to have a program create and write a file so it can be read while it's being written. I'd like to have the same ability that we have with batch jobs and spawned processes and the like, although I assume those are based on special features of PPFs which aren't available to this program (a symbiont). Just to avoid being told the obvious solution, the SHR options are only legal in non-sequential files or sequential files with fixed 512 byte records. Log files don't have those characteristics. Does anyone else think it's generally obnoxious not to be able to read a file just because someone else is writing it? I guess they're trying to protect me from something, but I'm not sure what. Maybe I'm just spoiled by TOPS-10 that always allows you to read the latest version of a file (although TOPS-10 doesn't put a file into a directory until it's closed, so that makes the problem a little different).
info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/21/85)
From: Todd Aven <dual!lll-crg!eneevax!umdhep@maryland.ARPA> In FORTRAN, just put the correct clause in the open statement I think it is OPEN(unit=nn,...,shared,...) or else access='shared'. If I've steered you wrong, let me know, as I have several programs written that are doing it now and I can check into the correct syntax. ============================================================ |Todd Aven MANAGER@UMDHEP.BITNET | |Softwear Sweatshop AVEN@UMCINCOM (arpanet, bitnet)| |High Energy Physics UMDHEP@ENEEVAX.UUCP | |University of Maryland | |College Park, MD 20742 (301)454-3508 | ============================================================