[fa.info-vax] software previously advertised

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/24/85)

From: Todd Aven <decwrl!decvax!seismo!maryland.ARPA!eneevax!umdhep@BERKELEY>

I posted a note a few weeks ago about some software I had written and/or
fixed. Unfortunately, I think that half of the news got put in a bit
bucket, and I don't really know which half, so let me update the list
and provide information about how to get this ?wonderful? software:

cpg.c - written by someone else (csdsicher@sunyabva?)
        I have fixed this program to compile on VMS4.x with the
        C2.0 compiler. It makes a pretty listing of a C source file
        with page breaks whenever it discovers a new function definition.

vmsmailfix - a set of VMS FORTRAN4.2 programs I have written to conquer
             the bugs in VMS Mail associated with the number of new
             mail messages for a user. It works a whole lot better than
             READ/NEW n times (n --> oo).

I advertised a version of FINGER which worked on VMS4.x only to discover
that Richard Garland *had* been busily at work on it all the time. So
I have sent my patches to him, and he now has a *better* working version.
He will continue to be the distribution point to maintain some semblance
of sanity and control over development of the program. There should be
a sort of a release soon when it is all cleaned up, so stay tuned batkids!

If you want the other stuff mentioned, or would like to trade other software
(we *all* have plenty) send me mail at MANAGER@UMDHEP.BITNET unless there
is absolutely no way for you to get to a bitnet gateway, in which case
I can probably be reached here UMDHEP@ENEEVAX.ARPA (god only knows what
routing to use!) or AVEN@UMCINCOM.ARPA (ditto). Have I forgotten anything?
Oh yeah! --> Thanks mom!

|Todd Aven               MANAGER@UMDHEP.BITNET             |
|Softwear Sweatshop         AVEN@UMCINCOM (arpanet, bitnet)|
|High Energy Physics      UMDHEP@ENEEVAX.UUCP              |
|University of Maryland                                    |
|College Park, MD 20742      (301)454-3508                 |