info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/26/85)
From: JERRY LEICHTER <leichter@yale-apvax> As has been discussed on this list before, the VMS V3 version of VAXIMA does not work on VMS V4, failing with an "Illegal image header" message (or something similar). The reason for this is simple: The VAXIMA image was NOT produced by the VMS linker, but by something home-grown (at MIT?). That home-grown linker did not fill in at least one field in the image header cor- rectly. As it happens, that field was ignored on V3, but is used on V4. The following patch, the original author of which will remain anonymous, will fix a VAXIMA image so that it will work on either V3 or V4: $ PATCH/ABSOLUTE VAXIMA.EXE REPLACE /BYTE 10 00 EXIT 01 EXIT UPDATE EXIT (All the patch actually does is change the header block count from 0 to 1. Note that this file causes PATCH to confirm that the old value of the count was 0. If PATCH finds it was not, it will exit with an error message. In that case, I can't help you....) -- Jerry ------- ------