[fa.info-vax] new scheme for determining UIC of a created file

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/29/85)

From: Andy Davenport <engvax!ymir!ANDY@cit-vax>

In DECs defense: As a system manager, I find that the new scheme for
determining the UIC that a new file will be given does just what I
want it to do 99 percent of the time. With version 3.x I routinely
got complaints from users that a file I had left in their directory
for them was inaccessable. I had of course forgotten to 
SET FILE/OWN=PARENT. I or my co-workers would routinely leave a new
version of SYLOGIN.COM inaccessable. Sure it was inattention on my
part but the new scheme is better (in my humble opinion). Besides,
attribute inheritance is what was universally requested through user
input (SIR etc).