[news.announce.newgroups] CALL FOR VOTES: *.AQUARIA

peter%ficc@uunet.UU.NET (Peter da Silva) (11/22/89)

This is a call for votes on the name of an aquarium newsgroup. The vote will
be held by the Single Transferrable Vote system:

The following names are on the table for the name of the group. Some
of the groups listed have been created, but due to various reasons none
of them have a very wide distribution:

		This is the original aquarium group, created after the
		vote for rec.aquaria failed. Since it is in the alt
		network, it has distribution problems.

		This is the name proposed in the recent poll hald by
		Richard Sexton. It passed by the existing guidelines
		by a margin of 40 votes. Due to the controversy over
		the name, distribution is spotty.

		This is the name proposed some months ago for a group
		of this type. That vote failed due to a lack of interest,
		and alt.aquaria was created. Many sites do not carry
		groups in the rec hierarchy. Groups in this hierarchy are
		in general more widely distributed than those in alt, and
		less widely than those in sci.

		This name was suggested by someone who was concerned
		about the new-age connotations of "aquaria". There is
		currently a poll being held on this name.


	I will note right now that I am personally opposed to the name
sci.aquaria, because I see it as an attempt to defraud certain groups of
people who wish to avoid the use of their facilities for recreational
purposes. Currently the group sci.aquaria is being specifically blocked
at some sites for this reason. There are other people who are opposed to
the name rec.aquaria because they believe it will attract a lower class of
posters, since people are likely to give more thought to postings if
they're in a scientific forum.

	The need for a group on this subject has been established by the
traffic in alt.aquaria, therefore there will be a group after this vote.
If no candidate acheives the required 100 vote margin, the existing group
alt.aquaria will remain.


	The vote will be held through the 11th of december.

	To vote, please list your choices for a name in the order of
preference. You may write-in other names that I might have missed. For
example, my own vote (I won't be voting) would be:


Mail your vote to "peter@sugar.lonestar.org". If this fails, then mail
to "texbell!sugar!peter" or "uunet!ficc!sugar!peter". The sugar-uunet
link appears to be down at the moment. The subject should be "CALL FOR

During the vote, my kill file for news.groups will be:


If you wish to contact me on this subject, please mail me at one of
the addresses listed below.
`-_-' Peter da Silva <peter@ficc.uu.net> <peter@sugar.lonestar.org>.
 'U`  --------------  +1 713 274 5180.
"vi is bad because it didn't work after I put jelly in my keyboard."
   -- Jeffrey W Percival (jwp@larry.sal.wisc.edu)