[news.announce.newgroups] CALL FOR DISCUSSION: soc.religion.eastern

prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov (Dinesh K. Prabhu) (01/08/90)

       The idea of creating a newsgroup dedicated to eastern religious/
       belief systems was brought up recently (Dec.) for an informal 
       discussion in soc.culture.indian. The idea was generally well
       received and most people preferred the name soc.religion.eastern.
       Further, the people felt that the newsgroup should be unmoderated.
       Based on this past local discussion, I thought I'd bring up the 
       idea again in a formal call for discussion in the other relevant 
       newsgroups in the soc and talk hierarchy to get a larger cross-section 
       of opinions. And so ...

       a) Do you think that this newsgroup is a good idea ?
       b) Do you think that the proposed name is adequate ?
       c) Do you think that this newsgroup should be moderated?
       d) What are your opinions on the points of charter ?

       Please POST your opinions/suggestions/criticism/flames, i.e., DO NOT 
       send me any e-mail. Thanks for your time.

                          CHARTER OF SOC.RELIGION.EASTERN

    1) The word eastern in the title of the newsgroup signifies religions
       with origins in south/south-east/far-east asia. For example,
       Hinduism, Buddhism (all forms), Jainism, Sikhism, and Shintoism.

    2) The newsgroup will be unmoderated. It is upto the people posting 
       articles to make sure that their articles are in good taste and
       not inflammatory.

    3) Everbody regardless of their religion can post to this newsgroup.

    4) Articles should deal with the philosophy/theology underlying the
       religious systems and should be devoid of any political content.

    5) This forum CANNOT be used for proseletyzing.

    6) Articles about western religious systems (Judaism,Christianity,Islam
       etc.) are also welcome if the aim is make rational/objective comparisons
       of these systems with those discussed in this newsgroup.

    Dinesh K. Prabhu
    (prabhu@amelia.nas.nasa.gov or dkprabhu@ames.arc.nasa.gov)