info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (08/21/85)
From: Todd Aven <umdhep@eneevax> I have taken the fall84 DECUS version of more (submitted by EROS) and cleaned it up a bit. I haven't yet got searching, wild-carding, or file-positioning, but the basic straight-through more works find. You must have VAX C2.0 to compile. If you are on BITNET, I can send you the executable. Send mail to MANAGER%UMDHEP.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA to request a copy. Earlier versions of C won't work because I am using curses to do the screen stuff. Many of you might be interested in this just to examine the 'nocrmode' effect. This one is probably good enough to get us by until DEC actually implements it. Todd