[news.announce.newgroups] RFD: news.software.newsreaders

Doug Sewell <DOUG@ysub.ysu.edu> (04/19/91)

I propose a new, unmoderated newsgroup called news.software.newsreaders,
to move the newsreader traffic out of news.software.b (which I never
thought very intuitive anyhow).
Proposed charter: news.software.newsreaders

Newsgroup news.software.newsreaders is an unmoderated discussion group
for newsreading software that don't presently have their own newsgroup
(this would exclude nn, notes, anu-news, and PSU NetNews).

Potential topics for discussion include:
- rn and its variants (I suspect this will be much of the traffic)
- tass           [a better place than alt.sources.d, IMHO ?]
- xrn            [is this covered in comp.windows.x ?]
- MSDOS newsreaders (?)
- design issues (if you decide to write or significantly modify one)

Religious wars (rn vs nn, for example) are not encouraged.
A revised charter will be posted based on the results of the discussion
period, and then a call-for-votes will be issued.

Over time I hope to develop a monthly posting.  My own experience with
unix news software is limited, so I don't have any axe to grind (our
primary news system right now is PSU NetNews under VM) (gasp!)

Doug Sewell, Tech Support, Computer Center,         doug@ysub.bitnet
Youngstown State University, Youngstown,  OH 44555  doug@ysub.ysu.edu
There are no mistakes, only lessons, which are repeated until learned.