mathew <> (05/01/91)
PLEASE READ THE SECTION MARKED "HOW TO VOTE" BEFORE VOTING. CALL FOR VOTES: comp.human-factors STATUS OF NEWSGROUP: unmoderated PURPOSE/CHARTER: To provide a forum for discussion of general issues relating to human-computer interaction (HCI) and human factors. HCI issues are currently discussed in a number of newsgroups, and are relevant to discussions in: alt.hypertext comp.infosystems alt.toolkits.xview comp.multimedia comp.cog-eng* comp.groupware HCI is an extremely broad topic. Examples of possible subjects for discussion include: * Design of keyboards, mice, joysticks. * Choice of command names and parameter syntax, and the effect on the number of mistakes users make. * Design of effective symbols for communicating information. * Control relations for scroll bars, switches and so on. * Use of Agents for representing semi-autonomous processes. * Use of colour in user interface design. * Methods for prototyping user interfaces. * How to evaluate the effectiveness of a user interface. * Designing effective dialogues for interactive programs. * Possible new forms of feedback -- sound, smell, touch. * Customizability vs. stability. At present, such discussions are scattered amongst the existing comp.* groups. WHAT THE NEWSGROUP IS *NOT*: The newsgroup is NOT intended for discussion of topics specific to particular window systems and not illustrating any general point; such discussion should take place in the existing groups. Nor is it intended as a place where people can preach the virtues of their favourite windowing system. The newsgroup is also not intended for human-factors discussion which is not relevant to the field of computing. ABOUT THE NAME: I initially suggested the name comp.hci. This was generally felt to be an obscure acronym, so I held a poll to determine the most popular alternative, out of: comp.hci comp.human-factors comp.chi comp.user-interface comp.interaction none of the above The poll was announced twice in various newsgroups including news.groups. I received two replies; one suggesting comp.human-factors, with a suggestion that perhaps the subject matter was relevant to a sci group; and a joke reply suggesting a newsgroup named "none of the above". I also received quite a bit of mail from people who wanted a group but weren't too bothered by the name. In view of the total lack of controversy regarding the name, I am changing the proposed name to comp.human-factors (as preferred by 100% of those who expressed a preference, including myself :-) but NOT going through another round of discussions. PLANNED SCHEDULE: 1991-05-01: First call for votes. 1991-05-15: Mass acknowledgement and second call for votes. 1991-05-30: Last day to vote. HOW TO VOTE: Send mail to: Internet: UUCP: ...!mcsun!ukc!ibmpcug!mantis!vote Your mail should contain exactly one of the following two quoted lines: "I vote YES to comp.human-factors as proposed" "I vote NO to comp.human-factors as proposed" It is preferred that you use these forms to ease counting of the votes, but any unamibuous vote will be counted. Conditional votes ("I vote yes if ...") will be bounced. Votes posted to the net will be ignored. Votes sent to me personally rather than to the address given above will be bounced. I do not plan to send individual acknowledgements for votes received, since we pay by the kilobyte for international mail. Please feel free to crosspost this call for votes into any newsgroups which you feel are appropriate. mathew -- Internet: / UUCP: mathew@mantis.UUCP / ...!mcsun!ukc!ibmpcug!mantis!mathew