rao@enuxha.eas.asu.edu (Arun Rao) (09/12/89)
I saw a posting last week (or earlier ?) about someone who kept getting an "Alarm Clock" message while entering text into Xfig on his Mips machine. Did anyone post a fix for this bug ? We have exactly the same problem with our Ardent Titan. The funny thing is that the message persists even after Xfig has aborted - even the 'ls' command will yield "Alarm clock" a few times. What *does* the message mean, anyway ? Thanks in advance. -Arun -- Arun Rao ARPANET: rao@enuxha.eas.asu.edu BITNET: agaxr@asuacvax, agazr@asuacad 950 S. Terrace Road, #B324, Tempe, AZ 85281 Phone: (602) 968-1852 (Home) (602) 965-2657 (Office)