[fa.info-vax] set host/dte

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/10/85)

From: Bob Sutterfield <sutter%ohio-state.csnet@csnet-relay.ARPA>

Background:	VAX 750, VMS 4.1, DMF-32, DF112-A
Problem:	set host/dte/dial

I am having problems using `set host/dte'.   There is a DF112-A connected
via pins 2,3,5,6,7,8,20,22 (all straight through) to port 1 of a DMF-32
(txa1) which is started as
	$set prot=(s:r,o,g,w)/own=[1,4]/dev txa1:
	$set term txa1:/perm/nowrap/fulldup/autobaud/par=even/eight-
It seems to work fine as a dial-in port.

When I try (where xxxxxxx is an actual number)
	$ set host/dte txa1: /dial=number:xxxxxxx

I get the message (very quickly):

Failed to connect to remote port
%SYSTEM-F-HANGUP, data set hang-up

Upon a retry, the port shows as allocated to another user.  Sure enough,
there is a process running loginout on that port.  Shortly thereafter, there
occur several sets of three `dialup interactive breakin attempt' alarms on
that port, all with garbage-style usernames and passwords (like @XX/X~),
indicating phone line noise (of which I see none on a normal dialin).

If I turn off /HOSTSYNC and /READSYNC at least I don't get the garbage login
attempts, but still the same data set hang-up message.

Help!!  What's going on here?

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (07/11/85)

From: ihnp4!houxm!hou2d!afb3@BERKELEY

Two problems.


	If Typeahead is enabled, login/out will try to log the
	device connected to the port in (if it types anything).

	Try set /notypeahead  then allocate, then /typeahead...


	Set host /dte  mumble

	is wonderfull if going dec OS to dec OS "hardwired".
	Unfortunately, EVERY character going out gets preceeded
	by a ^Q.....  (It doesn't if you write your own )...

	Connect anything to the port, other than another DEC
	machine and OS, and all bets are off..  

I tried using this with our terminal switch and got no where,
because the switch thought the ^Q's were part of the destination 
name.  Probably your modem thought they were part of the

Will DEC ever fix this one to be useful??  Will DEC ever provide
an easy way to disable logins on a particular port (ala RSX
set /slave:ttn:)???

Only time will tell (and sugestions from us, the users..)

Al Baldwin
AT&T-Bell Labs

[These opinions are my own....Who else would want them!!!]

tim@CCA-UNIX.ARPA (Tim "Bif" Ranieri) (09/03/85)

    This question may have already been asked before.
I am looking for some information on the SET HOST /DTE
command in VMS 4.0. I am trying to use the dial-out
function with a Hayes and a Multi modem with no luck
so far. It may be that I am not using the SET HOST
command properly or that VMS does not like the type
of modems I'm using. Any information at all on the SET HOST
command itself would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone
is using a Hayes or Multi modem and has made any changes
to the .MAR file for the DF03 or written their own, then
that too would be helpful. 
		Thanks in advance,


paul@greipa.UUCP (09/05/85)

I am using VMS 4.1's SET HOST/DTE, and it works fine.  It uses quite a bit
less CPU time than KERMIT, VAXNET and the rest; it is also quite a bit less
"chunky" on the output.  Best of all you can send ^S when no output is
pending from the modem and not lock the thing up.

I was excited to see SYS$EXAMPLES:DTE_DF03.MAR; my recent (unsuccessful)
attempt at a UUCP <-> $MAIL gateway did some dialing, so I had the logic for
dialing a Hayes already finished and working...

So I wrote DTE_HAYES.C with a wrapper written in MACRO to do the .TRANSFER
and .MASK (neither of which I understand but the wrapper works, so...)  Then
I ran into some problems:

Just sending an ATDT command is not enough for our modem (not a "real" Hayes;
it doesn't watch DTR, so you can't assume it's offline when you start using it).
So I send (pause)+++(pause), ATH\r, expect OK\r\n, then send the ATDT#######\r
and expect CONNECT [1200] or NO CARRIER and return the appropraite status code

Unfortunately I seem to be competing with VMS for the characters coming back
from the modem.  It's as though SET HOST/DTE sets up a half-dup connection from
the modem to my terminal before it calls my dialing code.  So when I send the
ATDT1234567\r command, the modem sends 1234567 as it dials the number, VMS
grabs and echos 12457 (or some subset) and my dialing logic only sees 36 (or
whatever VMS didn't grab).

I've tried cancelling IO on the modem channel before I start.  No go.  Just as
well, really, since I wouldn't know what to re-queue when I finished dialing.
I've thought of disabling ASTs at whatever level SET HOST/DTE operates in, but
I would still lose the first character sent by the modem.  I can kludge around
this as well, but I think I'll just send an SPR instead.

Side notes: someone on info-vax mentioned awhile ago that SET HOST/DTE sent
^Q out the modem port for every character it read or wrote or some such.  I've
been watching a DLM all day and I have yet to see any ^S or ^Q other than what
I type on my keyboard go out that modem port, so.....

A bug:  SET HOST/DTE (without a /DIAL) sends a CR out to the modem before
it sends the REM-I-TOEXIT message to your terminal.  With /DIAL this doesn't

Another bug: you can SET HOST/DTE to a terminal that someone is trying to log
into.  Very odd results on both terminals.

I'll let info-vax know if/when I ever get DTE_HAYES working; any other 
implementations or comments (HAYES or otherwise) are welcome.

	Paul Vixie