[fa.info-vax] Kept TPU procedure

KVC@engvax.UUCP (09/09/85)

Here's a handy little command procedure that lets you keep TPU running
all the time in a background process similar to kept EMACS.

	/Kevin Carosso       engvax!kvc @ CIT-VAX.ARPA
	 Hughes Aircraft Co.

--------------------------  KEPT_TPU.COM  ---------------------------------
$ veri = F$VERIFY(0) 
$ !
$ !
$ !	Written by Kevin Carosso at Hughes Aircraft Co., S&CG/CTC 8/8/85
$ !	Modelled after KEPTEMACS.
$ !
$ !	This procedure performs the kept TPU function.
$ !
$ !	If there is a process called "TPU terminal-name" then ATTACH to it
$ !	because it's the waiting TPU.  If not just SPAWN a TPU with the
$ !	P1 ... P8 parameters.  This means that any qualifiers you want to
$ !	pass to TPU need be separated from the "@KEPT_TPU" by the file, so they
$ !	will appear as Pn, rather than qualifiers to the "@" itself.  For
$ !	example:
$ !			$ @KEPT_TPU zeep.txt/section=edtsecini
$ !			$ @KEPT_TPU zeep.txt /section=edtsecini
$ !			$ @KEPT_TPU "/section=edtsecini" zeep.txt
$ !
$ !	should all work.
$ !
$ !	To get back to your parent, just issue the "ATTACH" command with
$ !	no arguments.  Note that this procedure will work with LSE if you
$ !	change the EDIT command in the spawn.
$ !
$	TPU_name	= "TPU " + f$log("TT")
$	priv_list	= f$setprv ("NOWORLD, NOGROUP")
$	pid		= 0
$ 10$:
$	proc		= f$getjpi( f$pid( pid ), "PRCNAM" )
$	if proc .eqs. TPU_name then	$	goto attach
$	if pid .ne. 0 then		$	goto 10$
$ spawn:
$	priv_list	= f$setprv( priv_list )
$	write	sys$error -
"[Spawning a new Kept TPU]"
$	args = P1 + " " + P2 + " " + P3 + " " + P4 + " " + -
	       P5 + " " + P6 + " " + P7 + " " + P8
$	define/user sys$input sys$command
$	spawn	/process="''TPU_name'" -
		/nolog -
		EDIT/TPU 'args
$	write	sys$error -
"[Attached to DCL in directory ''f$logical("SYS$DISK")'''f$directory()']"
$	GOTO quit
$ attach:
$	priv_list	= f$setprv( priv_list )
$	write	sys$error -
"[Attaching to Kept TPU]"
$	assign/user	sys$command	sys$input
$	attach "''TPU_name'"
$	write	sys$error -
"[Attached to DCL in directory ''f$logical("SYS$DISK")'''f$directory()']"
$	if veri then set verify
$	exit

AWalker@RED.RUTGERS.EDU (*Hobbit*) (09/10/85)

I came up with a similar hack a while back for EDT.  Since EDT doesn't attach
back to its parent process, the top-level invocation had to wait around for
a ^Y, and suspend the EDT process.  An interesting feature is that if you ^Y
while in change mode, EDT wants to accept another character before the 
suspend takes effect.  If you type a ^L there, you'll get back to your top
level process, and when you resume EDT, it redraws the screen for you.

While  working on this, I found that *one* set process/suspend was *not enough*
to really hang the EDT fork!  It needs two of them!  Any reason?

The comfile in question lives at RU-AIM in dua0:<usr.hobbit>kedt.com, and
can be FTPed using GUEST [no passwd] if you want to look at it.
