vladan@idt.UUCP (Vladan Djakovic) (03/26/91)
This probably has been asked and answered before, so I apologize in advance: (OS 4.51) 1. We have uucp link to internet site (say, 'intsite' in /usr/lib/uucp). In order to send mail out, 'mailx intsite!inter.net.address!user' is used. (/usr/lib/sendmail.ok is removed so all '!' addresses go uucp way). I would like to mailx (NOT mail) using 'mailx user@inter.net.address' . What do I put in .../cf/sitedep (or edit sendmail.cf) so that sendmail calls uucp to route mail via intsite ? (I do not care about local (intra-ethernet) mail. ) 2. We also run SLIP over dialed line (yes, it can be done contrary to what MIPS support says). I did not manage to persuade local net software to use nameserver on the other side ('nameserver ##.##.##.##' in /etc/resolv.conf did not help) so I have to use numbers for ftp, telnet etc. instead of names. Any ideas ? -- Vladan Djakovic, IDT (Integrated Device Technology), Santa Clara, CA (All opinions are mine, etc., etc. ...)