[news.newusers.questions] Read each article only once?

hnewstrom@x102a.harris-atd.com (Harvey Newstrom) (08/02/89)

I get tired of reading the same article over and over.  Some people cross-
post to many newsgroups.  Is there any way to get rn to suppress showing
me an article that I have already read in another newsgroup?  Is there some
way to effect a KILL file that weeds out cross posted articles?  Thanks...
Harvey Newstrom (hnewstrom@x102a.harris-atd.com) (uunet!x102a!hnewstrom) (etc)

epsilon@wet.UUCP (Eric P. Scott) (08/03/89)

In article <2439@trantor.harris-atd.com> hnewstrom@x102a.harris-atd.com
	(Harvey Newstrom) writes:
>I get tired of reading the same article over and over.  Some people cross-
>post to many newsgroups.  Is there any way to get rn to suppress showing
>me an article that I have already read in another newsgroup?

rn is supposed to to this automatically--but it needs a bit of
help in the form of crossreferences.  Find a crossposted article
and use the "v" command to see complete header.  There should be
an Xref: line present.  If not, there's something wrong with the
news transport on your site.

Some sites use a package called "notes" that inserts multiple
articles (it doesn't understand how to crosspost properly).
There's nothing you can do in this case.


travis@douglass.columbia.edu (Travis Lee Winfrey) (08/04/89)

In article <2439@trantor.harris-atd.com> hnewstrom@x102a.harris-atd.com (Harvey Newstrom) writes:
>I get tired of reading the same article over and over.  Some people cross-
>post to many newsgroups.  Is there any way to get rn to suppress showing
>me an article that I have already read in another newsgroup?  Is there some
>way to effect a KILL file that weeds out cross posted articles?  Thanks...

If cross-posting isn't on at your site for whatever reason, and you have
KILL files, you can use the KILL files to junk messages appropriately.
that is, if you read comp.lang.c before comp.misc, you can have


in your KILL file for comp.misc.  there are a number of problems with
this solution, of course, mostly that it's slow and gross.  it will
cut down the number of messages you read unnecessarily, however.


Arpa:	travis@cs.columbia.edu	Usenet: rutgers!columbia!travis

bill@twwells.com (T. William Wells) (08/04/89)

In article <2439@trantor.harris-atd.com> hnewstrom@x102a.harris-atd.com (Harvey Newstrom) writes:
: I get tired of reading the same article over and over.  Some people cross-
: post to many newsgroups.  Is there any way to get rn to suppress showing
: me an article that I have already read in another newsgroup?  Is there some
: way to effect a KILL file that weeds out cross posted articles?  Thanks...

I'm not entirely sure, but I think that you will have to take this to
the person responsible for your news software. My understanding is
that rn uses a special header line to determine which article numbers
the article is in its various newsgroups. However, not all news
software puts this line, the Xref: line, in. If yours does not then
your system administrator might want to upgrade his software so that
it does.

Bill                    { uunet | novavax | ankh | sunvice } !twwells!bill