[news.newusers.questions] Need HELP!!! with inews/postnews... news dirs.

greyham@hades.OZ (Greyham Stoney) (10/04/89)

I've recently landed the job of news administrator at our site, and NEED
HELP with inews's weirdness!. For some reason, newsgroup directories are NOT
being created when articles for new newsgroups arrive, or are posted from our
site. I can't see any way to check what inews is doing when articles for
a new newsgroup (ie: created by someone at another site) arrive - but they
ALWAYS land in junk. Once I manually create the directory, the next batch of
news to arrive goes there; but why do I have to create it?????.

Posting from our site (ie: with postnews) fails, and the article lands in
junk.... I tried posting a test message to comp.sw.components; which has only
just been created here.... Postnews says:

Posting article...
mkdir: "/usr/spool/news/comp/sw": Permission denied
mkdir: "/usr/spool/news/comp/sw/components": No such file or directory
inews: Link into /usr/spool/news/comp/sw/components/1 failed (No such file or directory); check dir permissions.
inews: Newsgroups in active, but not sys
Article posted successfully.

And whattayaknow; the article ends up in junk. As far as I can tell, I'm
using B news (I dunno.... the system was made before I even worked here!);

various files & permissions look like:
-rwsr-sr-x   2 news     news      114616 Mar 31  1989 /usr/local/lib/news/inews
-rwxr-xr-x   1 news     news       55168 Mar 31  1989 /usr/local/bin/postnews
drwxrwxr-x  35 news     news         560 Sep 25 16:46 /usr/spool/news/comp

Can anyone tell me what's going on???.


/*  Greyham Stoney:                            Australia: (02) 428 6476  *
 *     greyham@hades.oz  - Ausonics Pty Ltd, Lane Cove, Sydney, Oz.      *
 *    TDMP/IP: Telepathic Direct Marketing Personel Interface Protocol   */