[fa.info-vax] MAIL

iglesias@UCI-ICSA.ARPA (Mike Iglesias) (09/18/85)

I've noticed that when you EXIT from VMS MAIL, if your terminal type
is 'unknown', you get 24 blank lines printed on your screen, whereas
if it's VT52 (for example), it doesn't do it.  Is there anyway to get
MAIL to stop doing this?  Is this something to do with the new 
terminal definition stuff in v4?


Mike Iglesias
University of California, Irvine


        The reason that MAIL ejects 24 blank lines when it does
        not recognize the terminal type (but one of the terminal
        characteristics, scope/hardcopy, must be on scope) is
        because it is using the Screen ManaGement routines.
        Prior to VMS4.2, the SMG routines tried to clear the
        screen when deleting the window that was initialized at
        the beginning of MAIL, and since it did not recognize the
        terminal type, it had to simulate a form-feed.

        VMS4.2 has corrected this problem.

        Todd Aven