Is there are command or does someone have a routine for "catching up" on all subscribed newsgroups at once. I read news on two different machines - when one is down, I use the other. It would be nice to instantly catch up on the backup machine after having read the news on the primary machine. *** The preceding statements represent the opinions of the author. *** They must not be interpreted as representing the beliefs of any other person, institution, government agency, or business entity. (Bernie Cosell) (01/04/90) writes: }Is there are command or does someone have a routine for "catching up" on all }subscribed newsgroups at once. ... Well, you didn't say what newsreader you use. I assume it is 'rn', and I can't help you there. But 'nn' will do that all basically automatically [I think "nn -a0" will do the job]. You should check out nn... it is really a VERY nice newsreader. It lured me away from rn about a month or two back and i haven't looked back since... /Bernie\
eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott) (01/04/90)
In article <4586@hydra.gatech.EDU> () writes: > I read news on two different machines - when >one is down, I use the other. It would be nice to instantly catch up on the >backup machine after having read the news on the primary machine. If they are both served by the same NNTP server and have equivalent nntp_access rights, you can copy the .newsrc et al. files around. Otherwise there's a nasty time window; you'll potentially catch up on articles you should have seen. -=EPS=-