[news.newusers.questions] Inter-Network Mail Guide

john@trigraph.uucp (John Chew) (11/25/89)

Here it is again.  Sorry about missing October, and thanks to all
those who sent in corrections, additions, and plaintive questions.

===== cut here and don't forget to trim the signature off the end =====
# Inter-Network Mail Guide
#   $Header: netmail,v 1.3 89/11/24 17:52:13 john Exp $
# This file documents methods of sending mail from one network to another.
# It is maintained by John J. Chew <poslfit@gpu.UTCS.UToronto.CA>, and is 
# posted monthly to comp.mail.misc and news.newusers.questions.  Please 
# send any corrections or additions to the above address.
# Each entry in this file describes how to get from one network to
# another.  To keep this file at a reasonable size, methods that can
# be generated by transitivity (A->B and B->C gives A->B->C) are omitted.
# Entries are sorted first by source network and then by destination
# network, and a typical entry looks like:
#   #F mynet
#   #T yournet
#   #R youraddress
#   #I send to "youraddress@thegateway"
# #F (from) and #T (to) lines specify source and destination networks.
# These are currently one of:
#   applelink     Apple Computer, Inc.'s in-house network
#   att           AT&T's in-house network
#   bitnet        international academic network
#   bmug          Boston Macintosh Users Group
#   compuserve    commercial time-sharing service
#   connect       Connect Professional Information Network (commercial)
#   fidonet       PC-based BBS network
#   geonet        commercial information network
#   internet      the Internet
#   mci           MCI's commercial electronic mail service
#   span          Space Physics Analysis Network
#   telemail      Telenet's commercial mail service
# #R (recipient) gives an example of an address on the destination network, 
# to make it clear in subsequent lines what text requires subsitution.
# #I (instructions) lines, of which there may be several, give verbal
# instructions to a user of the source network to let them send mail
# to a user on the destination network.  Text that needs to be typed
# will appear in double quotes, with C-style escapes if necessary.

#F applelink
#T bitnet
#R user@site
#I send to "user@site.bitnet@dasnet#"

#F applelink
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to "user@site.domain@dasnet#"

#F bitnet
#T applelink
#R user
#I set subject to "user@APPLELINK"

#F compuserve
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to ">INTERNET:user@site.domain"

#F connect
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to CONNECT id "DASNET"
#I first line of message: "\"user@site.domain\"@DASNET"

#F fidonet
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to "uucp" at nearest gateway site
#I first line of message: "To: user@site.domain"

#F internet
#T applelink
#R user
#I send to "user@applelink.apple.com"

#F internet
#T att
#R user
#I send to "user%attmail@att.com"

#F internet
#T bitnet
#R user@site
#I send to "user%site.bitnet@gateway" where "gateway" is a gateway host that
#I   is on both the internet and bitnet.  Some examples of gateways are:
#I   cunyvm.cuny.edu gpu.utcs.toronto.edu jade.berkeley.edu mitvma.mit.edu.
#I   Check first to see what local policies on inter-network forwarding are.

#F internet
#T bmug
#R John Smith
#I send to "John.Smith@bmug.fidonet.org"

#F internet
#T compuserve
#R 7xxxx,yyy
#I send to "7xxxx.yyy@compuserve.com"

#F internet
#T connect
#I send to "NAME@dcjcon.das.net"

#F internet
#T fidonet
#R john smith at 1:2/3
#I send to "john.smith@f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org" 

#F internet
#T geonet
#R user@host
#I send to "user@host.das.net"

#F internet
#T mci
#R JSMITH (234-5678)
#I send to "2345678@mcimail.com"
#I or send to "JSMITH@mcimail.com" if "JSMITH" is unique

#F internet
#T span
#R user@host
#I send to "user@host.span.NASA.gov"
#I or send to "user%host.span@gateway" where "gateway" is a gateway host
#I   that is on both the internet and SPAN.  Some examples of gateways
#I   are nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov, longs.ucar.edu, star.stanford.edu,
#I   vlsi.jpl.nasa.gov, io.arc.nasa.gov, hamlet.caltech.edu.  Information
#I   is available from NETMGR@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov.

#F internet
#T telemail
#R [user/organization]system/country
#I send to "\"[user/organization]system/country%TELEMAIL\"@intermail.isi.edu"
#I further information is available from Intermail-Request@intermail.isi.edu

#F mci
#T bitnet
#R John Smith <user@host>
#I at the "To:" prompt type "John Smith (EMS)"
#I at the "EMS:" prompt type "internet"
#I at the "Mbx:" prompt type "user@host"

#F mci
#T internet
#R John Smith <user@site.domain>
#I at the "To:" prompt type "John Smith (EMS)"
#I at the "EMS:" prompt type "internet"
#I at the "Mbx:" prompt type "user@site.domain"

#F span
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to "gateway::\"user@host.domain\"" where "gateway" is a gateway host
#I   that is on both SPAN and the internet.  Some examples of gateways are: 
#I   available from NETMGR@NSSDCA.

#F telemail
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I first line of message: "Forward: ARPA"
#I second line of message: "To: user@site.domain"
#I further information is available from Intermail-Request@intermail.isi.edu
===== end of file, signature follows =====
john j. chew, iii   		  phone: +1 416 425 3818     AppleLink: CDA0329
trigraph, inc., toronto, canada   {uunet!utai!utcsri,utgpu,utzoo}!trigraph!john
dept. of math., u. of toronto     poslfit@{utorgpu.bitnet,gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca}

john@trigraph.uucp (John Chew) (12/21/89)

Here's December's issue of the Inter-Network Mail Guide, with a
few new connections added.  Thanks to those who continue to
contribute new information to the guide.

Watch out for the .signature at the end of the posting.

----- begin netmail -----
# Inter-Network Mail Guide
#   $Header: netmail,v 1.5 89/12/04 10:45:42 john Exp $
# This file documents methods of sending mail from one network to another.
# It is maintained by John J. Chew <poslfit@gpu.UTCS.UToronto.CA>, and is 
# posted monthly to comp.mail.misc and news.newusers.questions.  Please 
# send any corrections or additions to the above address.
# Each entry in this file describes how to get from one network to
# another.  To keep this file at a reasonable size, methods that can
# be generated by transitivity (A->B and B->C gives A->B->C) are omitted.
# Entries are sorted first by source network and then by destination
# network, and a typical entry looks like:
#   #F mynet
#   #T yournet
#   #R youraddress
#   #I send to "youraddress@thegateway"
# #F (from) and #T (to) lines specify source and destination networks.
# These are currently one of:
#   applelink     Apple Computer, Inc.'s in-house network
#   bitnet        international academic network
#   bix           Byte Information eXchange: Byte magazine's commercial BBS
#   bmug          Boston Macintosh Users Group
#   compuserve    commercial time-sharing service
#   connect       Connect Professional Information Network (commercial)
#   fax           Facsimile document transmission
#   fidonet       PC-based BBS network
#   geonet        commercial information network
#   internet      the Internet
#   mci           MCI's commercial electronic mail service
#   mfenet        Magnetic Fusion Energy Network
#   sinet         Schlumberger Information NETwork
#   span          Space Physics Analysis Network
#   telemail      Telenet's commercial mail service
# #R (recipient) gives an example of an address on the destination network, 
# to make it clear in subsequent lines what text requires subsitution.
# #I (instructions) lines, of which there may be several, give verbal
# instructions to a user of the source network to let them send mail
# to a user on the destination network.  Text that needs to be typed
# will appear in double quotes, with C-style escapes if necessary.

#F applelink
#T bitnet
#R user@site
#I send to "user@site.bitnet@dasnet#"

#F applelink
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to "user@site.domain@dasnet#"

#F bitnet
#T applelink
#R user
#I set subject to "user@APPLELINK"

#F compuserve
#T fax
#R +1 415 555 1212
#I send to "FAX 14155551212" (only to U.S.A.)

#F compuserve
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to ">INTERNET:user@site.domain"

#F compuserve
#T mci
#R 123-4567
#I send to ">MCIMAIL:123-4567"

#F connect
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to CONNECT id "DASNET"
#I first line of message: "\"user@site.domain\"@DASNET"

#F fidonet
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to "uucp" at nearest gateway site
#I first line of message: "To: user@site.domain"

#F internet
#T applelink
#R user
#I send to "user@applelink.apple.com"

#F internet
#T bitnet
#R user@site
#I send to "user%site.bitnet@gateway" where "gateway" is a gateway host that
#I   is on both the internet and bitnet.  Some examples of gateways are:
#I   cunyvm.cuny.edu gpu.utcs.toronto.edu jade.berkeley.edu mitvma.mit.edu.
#I   Check first to see what local policies on inter-network forwarding are.

#F internet
#T bix
#R user
#I send to "user@dcibix.das.net"

#F internet
#T bmug
#R John Smith
#I send to "John.Smith@bmug.fidonet.org"

#F internet
#T compuserve
#R 7xxxx,yyy
#I send to "7xxxx.yyy@compuserve.com"

#F internet
#T connect
#I send to "NAME@dcjcon.das.net"

#F internet
#T fidonet
#R john smith at 1:2/3
#I send to "john.smith@f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org" 

#F internet
#T geonet
#R user@host
#I send to "user@host.das.net"

#F internet
#T mci
#R JSMITH (123-4567)
#I send to "1234567@mcimail.com"
#I or send to "JSMITH@mcimail.com" if "JSMITH" is unique

#F internet
#T mfenet
#R user@mfenode
#I send to "user%mfenode.mfenet@nmfecc.arpa"

#F internet
#T sinet
#R node::user or node1::node::user
#I send to "user@node.SINet.SLB.COM" or "user%node@node1.SINet.SLB.COM"

#F internet
#T span
#R user@host
#I send to "user@host.span.NASA.gov"
#I or send to "user%host.span@gateway" where "gateway" is a gateway host
#I   that is on both the internet and SPAN.  Some examples of gateways
#I   are nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov, longs.ucar.edu, star.stanford.edu,
#I   vlsi.jpl.nasa.gov, io.arc.nasa.gov, hamlet.caltech.edu.  Information
#I   is available from NETMGR@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov.

#F internet
#T telemail
#R [user/organization]system/country
#I send to "\"[user/organization]system/country%TELEMAIL\"@intermail.isi.edu"
#I further information is available from Intermail-Request@intermail.isi.edu

#F mci
#T bitnet
#R John Smith <user@host>
#I at the "To:" prompt type "John Smith (EMS)"
#I at the "EMS:" prompt type "internet"
#I at the "Mbx:" prompt type "user@host"

#F mci
#T internet
#R John Smith <user@site.domain>
#I at the "To:" prompt type "John Smith (EMS)"
#I at the "EMS:" prompt type "internet"
#I at the "Mbx:" prompt type "user@site.domain"

#F sinet
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to "M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::\"user@site.domain\""
#I      or "M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::site.domain::user"

#F span
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I send to "gateway::\"user@host.domain\"" where "gateway" is a gateway host
#I   that is on both SPAN and the internet.  Some examples of gateways are: 
#I   available from NETMGR@NSSDCA.

#F telemail
#T internet
#R user@site.domain
#I first line of message: "Forward: ARPA"
#I second line of message: "To: user@site.domain"
#I further information is available from Intermail-Request@intermail.isi.edu
----- end netmail -----
john j. chew, iii   		  phone: +1 416 425 3818     AppleLink: CDA0329
trigraph, inc., toronto, canada   {uunet!utai!utcsri,utgpu,utzoo}!trigraph!john
dept. of math., u. of toronto     poslfit@{utorgpu.bitnet,gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca}

"John J. Chew" <john@trigraph.UUCP> (05/01/90)

# Inter-Network Mail Guide - Copyright 1990 by John J. Chew
#   $Header: netmail,v 1.10 90/04/30 18:30:36 john Exp $
# This document is Copyright 1990 by John J. Chew.  All rights reserved.
# Permission for non-commercial distribution is hereby granted, provided
# that this file is distributed intact, including this copyright notice
# and the version information above.  Permission for commercial distribution
# can be obtained by contacting the author as described below.
# If you plan to redistribute this list on a regular basis in a
# non-commercial medium, please send me mail.  I can then arrange to
# mail you each new edition and save you the trouble of fetching it
# from a newsgroup.
# This file documents methods of sending mail from one network to another.
# It represents the aggregate knowledge of the readers of comp.mail.misc
# and many contributors elsewhere.  If you know of any corrections or
# additions to this file, please read the file format documentation below
# and then mail to me: John J. Chew <poslfit@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca>.  If
# you do not have access to electronic mail (which makes me wonder about
# the nature of your interest in the subject, but there does seem to be
# a small such population out there) you can call me between 14:00 and
# 18:00 Eastern Time (UTC-4h or UTC-5h depending on the time of year) at
# +1 416 425 3818.  
# Each entry in this file describes how to get from one network to another.
# To keep this file at a reasonable size, methods that can be generated by
# transitivity (A->B and B->C gives A->B->C) are omitted.  Entries are sorted
# first by source network and then by destination network.  This is what a
# typical entry looks like:
#   #F mynet
#   #T yournet
#   #R youraddress
#   #C contact address if any
#   #I send to "youraddress@thegateway"
# For parsing purposes, entries are separated by at least one blank line,
# and each line of an entry begins with a `#' followed by a letter.  Lines
# beginning with `# ' are comments and need not be parsed.  Lines which do
# not start with a `#' at all should be ignored as they are probably mail
# or news headers.
# #F (from) and #T (to) lines specify source and destination networks.
# If you're sending me information about a new network, please give me
# a brief description of the network so that I can add it to the list
# below.  The abbreviated network names used in #F and #T lines should
# consist only of the characters a-z, 0-9 and `-' unless someone can
# make a very convincing case for their favourite pi character.
# These are the currently known networks with abbreviated names:
#   applelink     Apple Computer, Inc.'s in-house network
#   bitnet        international academic network
#   bix           Byte Information eXchange: Byte magazine's commercial BBS
#   bmug          Berkeley Macintosh Users Group
#   compuserve    commercial time-sharing service
#   connect       Connect Professional Information Network (commercial)
#   envoy	  Envoy-100 (Canadian commercial mail service)
#   fax           Facsimile document transmission
#   fidonet       PC-based BBS network
#   geonet        GeoNet Mailbox Systems (commercial)
#   ieee-compmail A DIALCOM system supporting IEEE users
#   internet      the Internet
#   mci           MCI's commercial electronic mail service
#   mfenet        Magnetic Fusion Energy Network
#   nasamail      NASA internal electronic mail
#   peacenet      non-profit mail service
#   sinet         Schlumberger Information NETwork
#   span          Space Physics Analysis Network
#   telemail      Telenet's commercial mail service
#   thenet        Texas Higher Education Network
#   usdamail      A DIALCOM system supporting USDA researchers
# #R (recipient) gives an example of an address on the destination network, 
# to make it clear in subsequent lines what text requires subsitution.
# #C (contact) gives an address for inquiries concerning the gateway,
# expressed as an address reachable from the source (#F) network.
# Presumably, if you can't get the gateway to work at all, then knowing
# an unreachable address on another network will not be of great help.
# #I (instructions) lines, of which there may be several, give verbal
# instructions to a user of the source network to let them send mail
# to a user on the destination network.  Text that needs to be typed
# will appear in double quotes, with C-style escapes if necessary.

#F applelink
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "user@domain@internet#"
#I   domain can be be of the form "site.bitnet", address must be <35 characters

#F bitnet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I Methods for sending mail from Bitnet to the Internet vary depending on
#I what mail software is running at the Bitnet site in question.  In the
#I best case, users should simply be able to send mail to "user@domain".
#I If this doesn't work, try "user%domain@gateway" where "gateway" is a 
#I regional Bitnet-Internet gateway site.  Finally, if neither of these
#I works, you may have to try hand-coding an SMTP envelope for your mail.
#I If you have questions concerning this rather terse note, please try
#I contacting your local postmaster or system administrator first before
#I you send me mail -- John Chew <poslfit@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca>

#F compuserve
#T fax
#R +1 415 555 1212
#I send to "FAX 14155551212" (only to U.S.A.)

#F compuserve
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to ">INTERNET:user@domain"

#F compuserve
#T mci
#R 123-4567
#I send to ">MCIMAIL:123-4567"

#F connect
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to CONNECT id "DASNET"
#I first line of message: "\"user@domain\"@DASNET"

#F envoy
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "[ID=\"attbl!uunet!domain!user\" @UUCP]ATTMAIL/USA"
#I   or to "[MAIL @NASA]NASAMAIL/TELEMAIL/US" with first line "To: user@domain"

#F fidonet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "uucp" at nearest gateway site
#I first line of message: "To: user@domain"

#F geonet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "DASNET"
#I subject line: "user@domain!subject"

#F ieee-compmail
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "INTERMAIL (134:CMP0817)"
#I first line of body: "Forward: ARPA"
#I second line of body: "To: user@domain"
#I third line of body: "" (blank)

#F internet
#T applelink
#R user
#I send to "user@applelink.apple.com"

#F internet
#T bitnet
#R user@site
#I send to "user%site.bitnet@gateway" where "gateway" is a gateway host that
#I   is on both the internet and bitnet.  Some examples of gateways are:
#I   cunyvm.cuny.edu mitvma.mit.edu.  Check first to see what local policies
#I   are concerning inter-network forwarding.

#F internet
#T bix
#R user
#I send to "user@dcibix.das.net"

#F internet
#T bmug
#R John Smith
#I send to "John.Smith@bmug.fidonet.org"

#F internet
#T compuserve
#R 7xxxx,yyy
#I send to "7xxxx.yyy@compuserve.com"

#F internet
#T connect
#I send to "NAME@dcjcon.das.net"

#F internet
#T envoy
#R John Smith (ID=userid)
#C   for second method only
#I send to "uunet.uu.net!att!attmail!mhs!envoy!userid"
#I   or to 
#I   "/C-CANADA/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/ID=userid/G=John/S=Smith/@nasamail.nasa.gov"

#F internet
#T fidonet
#R john smith at 1:2/3
#I send to "john.smith@f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org" 

#F internet
#T geonet
#R user at host
#I send to "user:host@map.das.net"
#I American host is geo4, European host is geo1.

#F internet
#T ieee-compmail
#R CMP1234
#C Commercial Mail Relay <Intermail-Request@Intermail.ISI.EDU>
#I send to "CMP1234%COMPMAIL@Intermail.ISI.EDU>

#F internet
#T mci
#R John Smith (123-4567)
#I send to "1234567@mcimail.com"
#I or send to "JSMITH@mcimail.com" if "JSMITH" is unique
#I or send to "John_Smith@mcimail.com" if "John Smith" is unique - note the
#I    underscore!
#I or send to "John_Smith/1234567@mcimail.com" if "John Smith" is NOT unique

#F internet
#T mfenet
#R user@mfenode
#I send to "user%mfenode.mfenet@nmfecc.arpa"

#F internet
#T nasamail
#R user
#C <postmaster@ames.arc.nasa.gov>
#I send to "user@nasamail.nasa.gov"

#F internet
#T peacenet
#R user
#C <support%cdp@arisia.xerox.com>
#I send to "user%cdp@arisia.xerox.com"

#F internet
#T sinet
#R node::user or node1::node::user
#I send to "user@node.SINet.SLB.COM" or "user%node@node1.SINet.SLB.COM"

#F internet
#T span
#R user@host
#C <NETMGR@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov>
#I send to "user@host.span.NASA.gov"
#I   or to "user%host.span@ames.arc.nasa.gov"

#F internet
#T telemail
#R [user/organization]system/country
#C <Intermail-request@intermail.isi.edu>
#I send to "\"[user/organization]system/country%TELEMAIL\"@intermail.isi.edu"

#F internet
#T thenet
#R user@host
#I send to "user%host.decnet@utadnx.cc.utexas.edu"

#F internet
#T usdamail
#R AGS1234
#C Commercial Mail Relay <Intermail-Request@Intermail.ISI.EDU>
#I send to "AGS1234%USDAMAIL@Intermail.ISI.EDU>

#F mci
#T internet
#R John Smith <user@domain>
#I at the "To:" prompt type "John Smith (EMS)"
#I at the "EMS:" prompt type "internet"
#I at the "Mbx:" prompt type "user@domain"

#F nasamail
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I at the "To:" prompt type "POSTMAN"
#I at the "Subject:" prompt enter the subject of your message
#I at the "Text:" prompt, i.e. as the first line of your message,
#I    enter "To: user@domain"

#F sinet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::\"user@domain\""
#I      or "M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::domain::user"

#F span
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "AMES::\"user@domain\""

#F telemail
#T internet
#R user@domain
#C <Intermail-Request@intermail.isi.edu>
#I first line of message: "Forward: ARPA"
#I second line of message: "To: user@domain"

#F thenet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to UTADNX::WINS%" user@domain "

#F usdamail
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "INTERMAIL (157:AGS9999)"
#I first line of body: "Forward: ARPA"
#I second line of body: "To: user@domain"
#I third line of body: "" (blank)

"John J. Chew" <john@trigraph.UUCP> (07/07/90)

# Inter-Network Mail Guide - Copyright 1990 by John J. Chew
#   $Header: netmail,v 1.12 90/07/06 20:38:28 john Exp $
# For those of you who were wondering what happened to the June 1990 issue,
# there wasn't one, because of a lack of important changes to the data,
# and because I've been busy with other things.  Even worse (:-), there
# will not be an August 1990 issue as I will be temporarily between net
# addresses as I take a nice long holiday between jobs on different
# continents.  If you have information to add or requests for subscriptions,
# send them as usual to me at <poslfit@gpu.UTCS.UToronto.CA> and they should
# catch up to me with some delay wherever I end up.  I'm off to enjoy
# my summer now, bye!  -- John
# This document is Copyright 1990 by John J. Chew.  All rights reserved.
# Permission for non-commercial distribution is hereby granted, provided
# that this file is distributed intact, including this copyright notice
# and the version information above.  Permission for commercial distribution
# can be obtained by contacting the author as described below.
# This file documents methods of sending mail from one network to another.
# It represents the aggregate knowledge of the readers of comp.mail.misc
# and many contributors elsewhere.  If you know of any corrections or
# additions to this file, please read the file format documentation below
# and then mail to me: John J. Chew <poslfit@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca>.  If
# you do not have access to electronic mail (which makes me wonder about
# the nature of your interest in the subject, but there does seem to be
# a small such population out there) you can call me during the month of
# July at +1 416 979 7166 between 11:00 and 24:00 EDT (UTC-4h) and most
# likely talk to my answering machine (:-).
# (news) This list is posted monthly to Usenet newsgroups comp.mail.misc and
#   news.newusers.questions.  
# (mail) I maintain a growing list of subscribers who receive each monthly 
#   issue by electronic mail, and recommend this to anyone planning to 
#   redistribute the list on a regular basis.  
# (FTP) Internet users can fetch this guide by anonymous FTP as ~ftp/pub/docs/
#   internetwork-mail-guide on Ra.MsState.Edu ( or
#   [Courtesy of Frank W. Peters]
# (Listserv) Bitnet users can fetch this guide from the Listserv at UNMVM.
#   Send mail to LISTSERV@UNMVM with blank subject and body consisting of
#   the line "GET NETWORK GUIDE".  [Courtesy of Art St. George]
# Each entry in this file describes how to get from one network to another.
# To keep this file at a reasonable size, methods that can be generated by
# transitivity (A->B and B->C gives A->B->C) are omitted.  Entries are sorted
# first by source network and then by destination network.  This is what a
# typical entry looks like:
#   #F mynet
#   #T yournet
#   #R youraddress
#   #C contact address if any
#   #I send to "youraddress@thegateway"
# For parsing purposes, entries are separated by at least one blank line,
# and each line of an entry begins with a `#' followed by a letter.  Lines
# beginning with `# ' are comments and need not be parsed.  Lines which do
# not start with a `#' at all should be ignored as they are probably mail
# or news headers.
# #F (from) and #T (to) lines specify source and destination networks.
# If you're sending me information about a new network, please give me
# a brief description of the network so that I can add it to the list
# below.  The abbreviated network names used in #F and #T lines should
# consist only of the characters a-z, 0-9 and `-' unless someone can
# make a very convincing case for their favourite pi character.
# These are the currently known networks with abbreviated names:
#   applelink     AppleLink (Apple Computer, Inc.'s in-house network)
#   bitnet        international academic network
#   bix           Byte Information eXchange: Byte magazine's commercial BBS
#   bmug          Berkeley Macintosh Users Group
#   compuserve    commercial time-sharing service
#   connect       Connect Professional Information Network (commercial)
#   easynet       Easynet (DEC's in-house mail system)
#   envoy	  Envoy-100 (Canadian commercial mail service)
#   fax           Facsimile document transmission
#   fidonet       PC-based BBS network
#   geonet        GeoNet Mailbox Systems (commercial)
#   internet      the Internet
#   mci           MCI's commercial electronic mail service
#   mfenet        Magnetic Fusion Energy Network
#   nasamail      NASA internal electronic mail
#   peacenet      non-profit mail service
#   sinet         Schlumberger Information NETwork
#   span          Space Physics Analysis Network (includes HEPnet)
#   sprintmail    Sprint's commercial mail service (formerly Telemail)
#   thenet        Texas Higher Education Network
# #R (recipient) gives an example of an address on the destination network, 
# to make it clear in subsequent lines what text requires subsitution.
# #C (contact) gives an address for inquiries concerning the gateway,
# expressed as an address reachable from the source (#F) network.
# Presumably, if you can't get the gateway to work at all, then knowing
# an unreachable address on another network will not be of great help.
# #I (instructions) lines, of which there may be several, give verbal
# instructions to a user of the source network to let them send mail
# to a user on the destination network.  Text that needs to be typed
# will appear in double quotes, with C-style escapes if necessary.

#F applelink
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "user@domain@internet#"
#I   domain can be be of the form "site.bitnet", address must be <35 characters

#F bitnet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I Methods for sending mail from Bitnet to the Internet vary depending on
#I what mail software is running at the Bitnet site in question.  In the
#I best case, users should simply be able to send mail to "user@domain".
#I If this doesn't work, try "user%domain@gateway" where "gateway" is a 
#I regional Bitnet-Internet gateway site.  Finally, if neither of these
#I works, you may have to try hand-coding an SMTP envelope for your mail.
#I If you have questions concerning this rather terse note, please try
#I contacting your local postmaster or system administrator first before
#I you send me mail -- John Chew <poslfit@gpu.utcs.utoronto.ca>

#F compuserve
#T fax
#R +1 415 555 1212
#I send to "FAX 14155551212" (only to U.S.A.)

#F compuserve
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to ">INTERNET:user@domain"

#F compuserve
#T mci
#R 123-4567
#I send to ">MCIMAIL:123-4567"

#F connect
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to CONNECT id "DASNET"
#I first line of message: "\"user@domain\"@DASNET"

#F easynet
#T bitnet
#R user@site
#I from VMS use NMAIL to send to "nm%DECWRL::\"user@site.bitnet\""
#I from Ultrix
#I   send to "user@site.bitnet" or if that fails
#I     (via IP) send to "\"user%site.bitnet\"@decwrl.dec.com"
#I     (via DECNET) send to "DECWRL::\"user@site.bitnet\""

#F easynet
#T fidonet
#R john smith at 1:2/3.4
#I from VMS use NMAIL to send to 
#I   "nm%DECWRL::\"john.smith@p4.f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org\""
#I from Ultrix
#I   send to "john.smith@p4.f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org" or if that fails
#I     (via IP) send to "\"john.smith%p4.f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org\"@decwrl.dec.com"
#I     (via DECNET) send to "DECWRL::\"john.smith@p4.f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org\""

#F easynet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I from VMS use NMAIL to send to "nm%DECWRL::\"user@domain\""
#I from Ultrix
#I   send to "user@domain" or if that fails
#I     (via IP) send to "\"user%domain\"@decwrl.dec.com"
#I     (via DECNET) send to "DECWRL::\"user@domain\""

#F envoy
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "[RFC-822=\"user(a)domain\"]INTERNET/TELEMAIL/US
#I for special characters, use @=(a), !=(b), _=(u), any=(three octal digits)

#F fidonet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "uucp" at nearest gateway site
#I first line of message: "To: user@domain"

#F geonet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "DASNET"
#I subject line: "user@domain!subject"

#F internet
#T applelink
#R user
#I send to "user@applelink.apple.com"

#F internet
#T bitnet
#R user@site
#I send to "user%site.bitnet@gateway" where "gateway" is a gateway host that
#I   is on both the internet and bitnet.  Some examples of gateways are:
#I   cunyvm.cuny.edu mitvma.mit.edu.  Check first to see what local policies
#I   are concerning inter-network forwarding.

#F internet
#T bix
#R user
#I send to "user@dcibix.das.net"

#F internet
#T bmug
#R John Smith
#I send to "John.Smith@bmug.fidonet.org"

#F internet
#T compuserve
#R 71234,567
#I send to "71234.567@compuserve.com"
#I   note: Compuserve account IDs are pairs of octal numbers.  Ordinary
#I     consumer CIS user IDs begin with a `7' as shown.

#F internet
#T connect
#I send to "NAME@dcjcon.das.net"

#F internet
#T easynet
#C admin@decwrl.dec.com
#I send to "user@host.enet.dec.com" or "user%host.enet@decwrl.dec.com"

#F internet
#T easynet
#R John Smith @ABC
#C admin@decwrl.dec.com
#I send to "John.Smith@ABC.MTS.DEC.COM"
#I (This syntax is for All-In-1 users.)

#F internet
#T envoy
#R John Smith (ID=userid)
#C   for second method only
#I send to "uunet.uu.net!att!attmail!mhs!envoy!userid"
#I   or to "/C=CA/ADMD=TELECOM.CANADA/DD.ID=userid/PN=John_Smith/@Sprint.COM"

#F internet
#T fidonet
#R john smith at 1:2/3.4
#I send to "john.smith@p4.f3.n2.z1.fidonet.org" 

#F internet
#T geonet
#R user at host
#I send to "user:host@map.das.net"
#I American host is geo4, European host is geo1.

#F internet
#T mci
#R John Smith (123-4567)
#I send to "1234567@mcimail.com"
#I or send to "JSMITH@mcimail.com" if "JSMITH" is unique
#I or send to "John_Smith@mcimail.com" if "John Smith" is unique - note the
#I    underscore!
#I or send to "John_Smith/1234567@mcimail.com" if "John Smith" is NOT unique

#F internet
#T mfenet
#R user@mfenode
#I send to "user%mfenode.mfenet@nmfecc.arpa"

#F internet
#T nasamail
#R user
#C <postmaster@ames.arc.nasa.gov>
#I send to "user@nasamail.nasa.gov"

#F internet
#T peacenet
#R user
#C <support%cdp@arisia.xerox.com>
#I send to "user%cdp@arisia.xerox.com"

#F internet
#T sinet
#R node::user or node1::node::user
#I send to "user@node.SINet.SLB.COM" or "user%node@node1.SINet.SLB.COM"

#F internet
#T span
#R user@host
#C <NETMGR@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov>
#I send to "user@host.span.NASA.gov"
#I   or to "user%host.span@ames.arc.nasa.gov"

#F internet
#T sprintmail
#R [userid "John Smith"/organization]system/country
#I send to "/C=country/ADMD=system/O=organization/PN=John_Smith/DD.ID=userid/@Sprint.COM"

#F internet
#T thenet
#R user@host
#I send to "user%host.decnet@utadnx.cc.utexas.edu"

#F mci
#T internet
#R John Smith <user@domain>
#I at the "To:" prompt type "John Smith (EMS)"
#I at the "EMS:" prompt type "internet"
#I at the "Mbx:" prompt type "user@domain"

#F nasamail
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I at the "To:" prompt type "POSTMAN"
#I at the "Subject:" prompt enter the subject of your message
#I at the "Text:" prompt, i.e. as the first line of your message,
#I    enter "To: user@domain"

#F sinet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::\"user@domain\""
#I      or "M_MAILNOW::M_INTERNET::domain::user"

#F span
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "AMES::\"user@domain\""

#F sprintmail
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to "[RFC-822=user(a)domain @GATEWAY]INTERNET/TELEMAIL/US"

#F thenet
#T internet
#R user@domain
#I send to UTADNX::WINS%" user@domain "