[fa.info-vax] vms-gnu-emacs

sasaki@HARVARD.HARVARD.EDU (Marty Sasaki) (10/04/85)

There is now a mailing list to talk about VMS on GNU EMACS. Send mail

	vms-gnu-emacs@harvard.edu	   postings
	vms-gnu-emacs-request@harvard.edu  to be added or removed from list

Initially, the list will be concerned with implementing GNU Emacs on
VMS. Once an implementation is done, the list will probably begin
talking about bugs and fixes. Eventually, all changes will go back to
RMS for incorporation in a single source.

The first posting has gone out. If you think you are on the list and
haven't received the first message, send a request to
vms-gnu-emacs-request and I will put you on the list.

If you are at all interested about what is going on with GNU Emacs on
VMS, you should join this list.
  Marty Sasaki				net:   sasaki@harvard.{arpa,uucp}
  Havard University Science Center	phone: 617-495-1270
  One Oxford Street
  Cambridge, MA 02138