[gnu.misc.discuss] hypertext notetaker in gnu-emacs?

science@nems.dt.navy.mil (Mark Zimmermann) (12/06/89)

Help!?  I need a way to take 'notes' as I read mail, work on
papers/programs/etc., in other windows on screen (Sun) ...
specifically, I'd like to be able to hit a key to create a
new 'note card', type or copy/paste text into that 'note card', 
hit a key to create 'links' between cards, and so forth ....
when using my notes, I'd like to be able to follow chains of
links from place to place very quickly.

Can I do all this (easily?) in gnu-emacs info?  Would there be
a lot of new macros to write?  What would be the limitations of
such a system?  (e.g., notes limited to a few megabytes, no more
than 1 screenfull of text per note, or whatever?)

I'd appreciate any advice before I plunge in ... I am not currently
a gnu-emacs user, and it has been years since I played around with a
documentation/browsing system which I think *might* be the same as
the one in gnu-emacs (Top, Next, Prev, etc., on the MIT-MC machine
circa 1978)....

Many thanks!  ^z   (mark zimmermann, science@nems.dt.navy.mil)

P.S.  if this isn't the right place to post such a query, pls let
me know, or (better) forward for me ... and if there's already a
good (free?!) hypertext notetaking system which I should check out,
pls tell me ... tnx ... ^z^z