[fa.info-vax] Monitor



Has anybody else run into a problem interpreting DIGITAL's documentation
on the format of the records that MONITOR writes?  If you look at page
MON-89 in volume 4B of the VMS V4 doc set, it says that the class header
has the following format:

        $DEF    MNR_CLS$B_TYPE          .Blkb           ;Record type
        $DEF    MNR_CLS$W_FLAGS         .Blkw           ;Flags
        $DEF    MNR_CLS$Q_STAMP         .Blkq           ;Time stamp
        $DEF    MNR_CLS$W_RESERVED      .Blkw           ;Reserved

for a grand total of 13 bytes.  Well, looking at the stuff with the
debugger (ain't Examine/Date_Time great?) it seems that the class header
looks more like:

        $DEF    MNR_CLS$B_TYPE          .Blkb           ;Record type
        $DEF    MNR_CLS$W_FLAGS         .Blkw           ;Flags
        $DEF    MNR_CLS$W_RESERVED      .Blkw           ;Reserved
        $DEF    MNR_CLS$Q_STAMP         .Blkq           ;Time stamp

Grr!  And DEC doesn't even give you a macro to define these record
formats.  Sigh.  I would hand mine out, but not I'm not sure they're
correct (yes, I typed them in for all of the monitor records).



USPS:   Gerard K. Newman
        Science Applications
        800 Oak Ridge Turnpike
        Oak Ridge, TN  37830
AT&T:   (615) 482-9031