[gnu.misc.discuss] A question on local variable allocation

escher@Apple.COM (Michael Crawford) (03/01/90)

Moving this over from gnu.gcc...

In article <25EAFE2C.2545@paris.ics.uci.edu> you write:
>> (in general -- I do not know much about gcc).  I could
>>image there could be some trouble with alloca() working properly if called
>>inside, or outside of the blocks.
>Please state the problem so that us non-clarvoiants can think about it.

alloca() monkeys with the stack differently on different machines.  I don't
know too much about it, this was just a gut-level feeling.

I program by intuition, you know.  Don't mean to get you mad or anything.

Seems to me, and I do not have the ANSI spec, but jumping in and out of a
block, if allowed at all, should preserve the data in the block so you can
access it when you get back.  If you cannot allow this, why allow jumping
into a block at all?  Admittedly goto's are gross, but if you're gonna have
them, ought to have them done in a reasonable manner.

>>Michael D. Crawford
>>Oddball Enterprises
>Do you manufacture oddballs or just repair them? :-)

We _are_ them.  Oddballs, I mean, me and my partner, a carpenter.

Oddball Enterprises, manufacturer of software and fine furniture.

>// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
>// C++ Entomologist
>// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

Motto:  Oddball Enterprises, Tilting at Windmills for a Better Tommorrow.
Michael D. Crawford
Oddball Enterprises
694 Nobel Drive
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Consulting for Apple Computer Inc.

The opinions expressed here are solely my own.