[news.software.anu-news] Problem with posting to a newsgroup

SONNEVELD@HLSDNL5.BITNET (Rolf Sonneveld, C35, (070-43)5362) (07/20/89)

Hello, all
        I'm a new ANU-NEWS user and I'm setting up ANU-news for our system.
News is working proper and fine, but there is still a problem left: it is
impossible for an unprivileged user to post (or followup) a newsitem to a
newsgroup. This ends up in the error message:
        error: Post - No Authorized Newsgroup specified.
The newsgroup, to which is posted, is NOT restricted, NOT moderated, and it is
local. All NEWS directories (top-down) are world Read Write Executable (during
testing). The only users who can post now, are those holding the NWSMGR
identifier. Users without NWSMGR id, but with more privileges, such as SYSPRV,
neither can post items to the group. We have setup ANU-news in a DECnet
environment, with some VMS systems and a Unix system, in which the Unix
system feeds news into a VAX/VMS running ANU-news. We are running ANU-NEWS
V5.6 (and hope to upgrade soon to V5.8/V5.9)
        Any suggestions, any help? Is there a list of NEWS error messages
available with possible solutions?
Thanks in advance,
                       Rolf Sonneveld
PTT Research Neher Laboratories,
P.o. box 421,
2260 AK Leidschendam,
The Ne(t)herlands
UUCP            : hp4nl!dnlunx!rolf
PSS (DATAnet1)  : +204 1170358::SONNEVELD
Tele phone      : +31 70 435362
Tele fax        : +31 70 436477
Tele x          : 31236 prnl nl