[news.software.anu-news] Problem installing ANU-News V5.8 and 5.9 under VAX VMS 5.2

SLOANE@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (Bob Sloane) (09/26/89)

> We are in the process of putting Annual News on a MicroVAX II
> running VMS Version 5.2 and C version 3.0. We have attempted to
> install both versions 5.8 and 5.9 with the same results. The
> system comes back with an "Invalid internal file identifier"
> Msg upon start up. This error occurs while the program is
> executing within the NEWSUTILITY program.
> Has anyone else seen this problem? I would appreciate your
> help in solving this problem. Is this problem unique to sites
> running VMS 5.2?
It is hard to tell what the problem is without a full set of error messages,
but if the error you are getting looks like:
%RMS-E-PRV, insufficient privilege or file protection violation
%RMS-F-IFI, invalid internal file identifier (IFI) value
then you probably don't have News installed with SYSPRV privelege. News needs
SYSPRV to access its configuration files.  You either need to install the
image with SYSPRV or run News from an account that has SYSPRV.  If this isn't
the problem, please make a log file of what you are trying to do using:
Username: ...
Then log off and you should have a file called SETHOST.LOG which will contain
more information about the problem.  Send this to me, or post it, and perhaps
we can figure out what is going on.
USmail: Bob Sloane, University of Kansas Computer Center, Lawrence, KS, 66045
E-mail: sloane@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu, sloane@ukanvax.bitnet, AT&T: (913)864-0444
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