(Kent C. Brodie) (10/06/89)
I seem to be having a BAD problem with news V5.9. I cannot REPLY to any postings. Here's what happens. NEWS> REPLY Subject=this is a sample subject TO: SOMEUSER@SOMESITE.SOMEDOMAIN (the editor is now invoked)....... (I hit ctrl-z to send the message) and I get %MAIL-E-INVALID Invalid user spec '"user@somesite.somedomain"""' It looks like there's something funny with the way NEWS V5.9 handles outgoing mail? I was successfully able to REPLY to the message under news 5.8 (the SAME message). Additionally, I cannot get NEWS_POST.CC to work at all. I have mentioned this in another posting, and the problem is there under V5.8 as well. Has anyone else had trouble REPLYing to news under V5.9? -kent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kent C. Brodie - Systems Manager Medical College of Wisconsin +1 414 778 4500 "*DOOOOP*" -The Skipper {Gilligan's Island}
gih900@UUNET.UU.NET (Geoff Huston) (10/11/89)
>I seem to be having a BAD problem with news V5.9. I cannot REPLY to >any postings. Here's what happens. > >NEWS> REPLY >Subject=this is a sample subject >TO: SOMEUSER@SOMESITE.SOMEDOMAIN >(the editor is now invoked)....... >(I hit ctrl-z to send the message) > >and I get > >%MAIL-E-INVALID Invalid user spec '"user@somesite.somedomain"""' The double quotes are the giveaway. In a recent set of postings (about two weeks ago) a mandatory fix to NEWS_ADDRESS.CNF was described.. With V5.9 of NEWS mail adddresses are NOT passed to DCL and from there to the mailer - the mail is passed DIRECTLY to the mailer - the " characters in the address config file used to make DCL ignore special characters in the mail address have to be REMOVED now that the mailer is being invoked directly i.e. "protocol%""address""" should become protocol%"address" and so on Geoff Huston