[news.software.anu-news] Accidental deletion of directories.

GAVRON@LAMPF.BITNET (Ehud Gavron@dac.lanl.gov, eg@lanl.gov, gavron@lampf) (10/14/89)

           Several times our feed to the outside world died.
        We use the CMU-TEK tcp/ip NNTP server.  What had happenned
        was that (mysteriously) the  [newsmgr.cmutcp_nntp] directory
        had totally vanished.  Since this is the directory the .IDS
        files are generated in, no postings could occur.
           It turns out that News while executing a SKIM command
        attempts to remove all empty directories -- including
        *managerial* directories, in an attempt to remove empty
        newsgroup space.
        Solution:  If it ignored the [news.news_dist],news_source,
        news_docs, news_build and news_manager directories that
        would be really neat.
        Workaround: Set all directory files to o:rwe,s:rwe.  That way,
        unless you give News BYPASS priv, it fails to delete the
        directory (error shows up in the log file, which is how I
        found out).
        -- forewarned  ==  "''f$trnlnm("forearmed")' "
        Ehud Gavron, sys mgr
        gavron@dac.lanl.gov     (mx record so cmu can't send to it)
        eg@lanl.gov             (a record.)

sloane@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (10/15/89)

In article <ANU-NEWS%89101401432822@NDSUVM1>, "Ehud Gavron@dac.lanl.gov,
 eg@lanl.gov, gavron@lampf" <GAVRON@LAMPF.BITNET> writes:
>         Solution:  If it ignored the [news.news_dist],news_source,
>         news_docs, news_build and news_manager directories that
>         would be really neat.
>         Workaround: Set all directory files to o:rwe,s:rwe.  That way,
>         unless you give News BYPASS priv, it fails to delete the
>         directory (error shows up in the log file, which is how I
>         found out).

A better solution to this type of problem is to not have the NEWS_DEVICE and
NEWS_ROOT logicals point to the top level directory in the news account. I
have things set up as follows:


and NEWS_DEVICE and NEWS_ROOT point to [NEWSMGR.NEWS_DATA].  The only
directories under NEWS_DATA are the group directories.  A NEWS SKIM only looks
under NEWS_DATA and never sees the NEWS_DIST, etc, directories. All of the
[.IHAVE_*] directories are under [NEWSMGR.NEWS_MGR].
USmail: Bob Sloane, University of Kansas Computer Center, Lawrence, KS, 66045
E-mail: sloane@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu, sloane@ukanvax.bitnet, AT&T: (913)864-0444 
 "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed 
             entirely of lost airline luggage." -- Mark Russell