[fa.info-vax] By popular request, UNDUMP. Somebody please tell me whether it works under v4.

info-vax@sri-kl (10/23/85)

From: "Keith F. Lynch" <KFL@MIT-MC.ARPA>

        Program UnDump   !By Keith F. Lynch (KFL@MIT-MC.ARPA) October 1983.
        Implicit None    !Opposite of the DUMP command for .EXE files under
        Byte Block(512),Revers(512),Name(40)   !VMS v3.  Not tested under v4.
        Integer*2 Length,Row,Column,Record,J
11         Write (6,12)
12         Format ('$File : ')
           Read (5,13) Length,(Name(J),J=1,39)
13         Format (Q,39A1)
           Name(Length+1) = 0
           Open (Unit=1,Name=Name,Err=11,Status='Old',Readonly,Shared)
           Open (Unit=2,Name=Name,Err=11,Status='New',Form='Unformatted',
     *     Access='Direct',Recordsize=128)
        Record = 0
        Do While (.True.)
           Record = Record + 1
           Read (1,20,End=4)
20         Format (////)
           Read (1,21) Revers
21         Format (16(/,8(1X,4Z2)))
           Do Row=0,15
              Do Column=1,32
                 Block(32*Row + Column) = Revers(32*Row + (33-Column))
              End Do
           End Do
           Write (2,Rec=Record) Block
        End Do
4       Stop