[news.software.anu-news] NEWS V5.9C diff 10/21

gih900@csc.anu.oz (Geoff Huston) (12/21/89)

+-+-+-+ Beginning of part 10 +-+-+-+
V!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("FOLLOWUP")) & 1) return(do_readfollow(h,rot13,(cli
X$present(c$dsc("NEW")) & 1)),0);
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("SUBJECT")) & 1) `123
X!     if (   (cli$get_value(c$dsc("SUBJECT"),&item_dsc,&item_len) & 1)
V!         `124`124 (get_input_dflt(&item_dsc,c$dsc("Read/Subject="),&item_len
X,c$dsc(subj),0) & 1)) `123
X!       item[item_len] = '\0';
X!       strcpy(subj,item);
V!       if (item_len) readtitle(h,rot13,subj,(cli$present(c$dsc("NEW")) & 1))
X!       `125
X!     return(0);
X!     `125
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("TITLE")) & 1) `123
X!     if (   (cli$get_value(c$dsc("TITLE"),&item_dsc,&item_len) & 1)
V!         && (get_input_dflt(&item_dsc,c$dsc("Read/Title="),&item_len,c$dsc(s
Xubj),0) & 1)) `123
X!       subj[item_len] = '\0';
X!       strcpy(subj,item);
V!       if (item_len) readtitle(h,rot13,subj,(cli$present(c$dsc("NEW")) & 1))
X!       `125
X!     return(0);
X!     `125
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("NEW")) & 1) return(do_readnew(h,rot13,0),0);
V!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("NEXT")) & 1) return(do_readnext(h,rot13,tpucall),0
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("PARENT")) & 1) return(do_readparent(h,rot13),0);
V!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("TOPIC")) & 1) return(do_readancestor(h,rot13,tpuca
V!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("IDENTIFIER")) & 1) return(do_readident(h,rot13),0)
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("MARKER")) & 1) return(do_readmark(h,rot13),0);
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("PREV")) & 1) return(do_readprev(h,rot13),0);
V!   if ((cli$present(c$dsc("LAST")) & 1) `124`124 (cli$present(c$dsc("BACK"))
X & 1)) `123
X!     if ((news_context > 1) && curr_g && (curr_i > 0)) `123
X!       if (cur_up_itm(curr_g,1,0) == 1) `123
X          item_update(curr_g,curr_i);
X          do_display(h,tpucall,rot13);
X          `125
X*** 782,787
X          item_update(curr_g,curr_i);
X          do_display(h,tpucall,rot13);
X          `125
X      return(0);
X  `125
X  `012
X--- 829,835 -----
X          item_update(curr_g,curr_i);
X          do_display(h,tpucall,rot13);
X          `125
X+       `125
X      return(0);
X      `125
V    if (cli$get_value(c$dsc("NEWSITEM"),&item_dsc,&item_len) != CLI$_ABSENT)
X `123
X*** 783,788
X          do_display(h,tpucall,rot13);
X          `125
X      return(0);
X  `125
X  `012
X  /*
X--- 831,848 -----
X          `125
X        `125
X      return(0);
X+     `125
V+   if (cli$get_value(c$dsc("NEWSITEM"),&item_dsc,&item_len) != CLI$_ABSENT)
X `123
X+     if (curr_g) `123
X+       item[item_len] = '\0';
X+       do_readfind(item,h,rot13);
X+       `125
X+     `125
X+   else if ((curr_g) && (curr_i > 0) && (news_context > 1)) `123
X+     item_update(curr_g,curr_i);
X+     do_display(h,tpucall,rot13);
X+     `125
X+   return(0);
X  `125
X  `012
X  /*
X*** 869,876
X  `012
X  do_back_note()
X  `123
X!     int h = 0,
X!         rot13 = 0;
X `032
X      tpucall = 0;
X      if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X--- 929,936 -----
X  `012
X  do_back_note()
X  `123
X!   int h = 0,
X!       rot13 = 0;
X `032
X    tpucall = 0;
X    if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X*** 872,891
X      int h = 0,
X          rot13 = 0;
X `032
X!     tpucall = 0;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("TPU")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("EDITOR")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!     else if (cli$present(c$dsc("ROT13")) & 1) rot13 = 1;
X!     if ((news_context > 1) && curr_g && (curr_i > 0)) `123
X!         if (cur_up_itm(curr_g,1,0) == 1) `123
X!             item_update(curr_g,curr_i);
X!             do_display(h,tpucall,rot13);
X!             `125
X!         else err_line("\tBACK: No previous item\n");
X!         `125
X!     else err_line("\tBACK: No newsgroup open\n");
X!     return(0);
X  `125
X `032
X  do_back_reply()
X--- 932,951 -----
X    int h = 0,
X        rot13 = 0;
X `032
X!   tpucall = 0;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("TPU")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("EDITOR")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!   else if (cli$present(c$dsc("ROT13")) & 1) rot13 = 1;
X!   if ((news_context > 1) && curr_g && (curr_i > 0)) `123
X!     if (cur_up_itm(curr_g,1,0) == 1) `123
X!       item_update(curr_g,curr_i);
X!       do_display(h,tpucall,rot13);
X!       `125
X!     else err_line("\tBACK: No previous item\n");
X!     `125
X!   else err_line("\tBACK: No newsgroup open\n");
X!   return(0);
X  `125
X `032
X  do_back_reply()
X*** 890,897
X `032
X  do_back_reply()
X  `123
X!     int h = 0,
X!         rot13 = 0;
X `032
X      tpucall = 0;
X      if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X--- 950,957 -----
X `032
X  do_back_reply()
X  `123
X!   int h = 0,
X!       rot13 = 0;
X `032
X    tpucall = 0;
X    if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X*** 893,907
X      int h = 0,
X          rot13 = 0;
X `032
X!     tpucall = 0;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("TPU")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("EDITOR")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!     else if (cli$present(c$dsc("ROT13")) & 1) rot13 = 1;
X!     if ((news_context > 1) && curr_g && (curr_i > 0))
X!         return(do_readparent(h,rot13),0);
X!     else err_line("\tBACK: No newsgroup open\n");
X!     return(0);
X  `125
X `032
X  do_topic()
X--- 953,967 -----
X    int h = 0,
X        rot13 = 0;
X `032
X!   tpucall = 0;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("TPU")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("EDITOR")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!   else if (cli$present(c$dsc("ROT13")) & 1) rot13 = 1;
X!   if ((news_context > 1) && curr_g && (curr_i > 0))
X!     return(do_readparent(h,rot13),0);
X!   else err_line("\tBACK: No newsgroup open\n");
X!   return(0);
X  `125
X `032
X  do_topic()
X*** 906,913
X `032
X  do_topic()
X  `123
X!     int h = 0,
X!         rot13 = 0;
X `032
X      tpucall = 0;
X      if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X--- 966,973 -----
X `032
X  do_topic()
X  `123
X!   int h = 0,
X!       rot13 = 0;
X `032
X    tpucall = 0;
X    if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X*** 909,923
X      int h = 0,
X          rot13 = 0;
X `032
X!     tpucall = 0;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("TPU")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!     if (cli$present(c$dsc("EDITOR")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!     else if (cli$present(c$dsc("ROT13")) & 1) rot13 = 1;
X!     if ((news_context > 1) && curr_g && (curr_i > 0))
X!         return(do_readancestor(h,rot13,tpucall),0);
X!     else err_line("\tTOPIC: No newsgroup open\n");
X!     return(0);
X  `125
X `032
X  do_last()
X--- 969,983 -----
X    int h = 0,
X        rot13 = 0;
X `032
X!   tpucall = 0;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("HEADER")) & 1) h = 1;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("TPU")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!   if (cli$present(c$dsc("EDITOR")) & 1) tpucall = 1;
X!   else if (cli$present(c$dsc("ROT13")) & 1) rot13 = 1;
X!   if ((news_context > 1) && curr_g && (curr_i > 0))
X!     return(do_readancestor(h,rot13,tpucall),0);
X!   else err_line("\tTOPIC: No newsgroup open\n");
X!   return(0);
X  `125
X `032
X  do_last()

$ CHECKSUM_IS = 1985494786
X*** [.news_v59_src]newsregister.c
X--- [.news_src]newsregister.c

$ CHECKSUM_IS = 1683540963
X*** [.news_v59_src]newsremclient.c
X--- [.news_src]newsremclient.c
X*** 38,44
X  **          database at that time become inaccessible, even for subsequent
X  **          NEWS invocations (connection attempts to the remote server are
X  **          lost.) net_write() - Stuart McGraw
X! **        - Add support for SRI Multinet - Mats Sundvall
X  **--
X  **/
X  `012
X--- 38,44 -----
X  **          database at that time become inaccessible, even for subsequent
X  **          NEWS invocations (connection attempts to the remote server are
X  **          lost.) net_write() - Stuart McGraw
X! **        - Add support for MULTINET Multinet - Mats Sundvall
X  **--
X  **/
X  `012
X*** 50,55
X  #include iodef
X  #include signal
X `032
X  #define CMUTCP     1
X  #define WINTCP     2
X  #define SRITCP     3
X--- 50,56 -----
X  #include iodef
X  #include signal
X `032
X+ #define WEEK`009`009(60*60*24*7)
X  #define CMUTCP     1
X  #define WINTCP     2
X  #define MULTINETTCP     3
X*** 52,58
X `032
X  #define CMUTCP     1
X  #define WINTCP     2
X! #define SRITCP     3
X `032
X  #ifdef SRI
X  #define SRI`009   1
X--- 53,59 -----
X  #define WEEK`009`009(60*60*24*7)
X  #define CMUTCP     1
X  #define WINTCP     2
X! #define MULTINETTCP     3
X `032
X  #ifdef MULTINET
X  #define MULTINET`009   1
X*** 54,61
X  #define WINTCP     2
X  #define SRITCP     3
X `032
X! #ifdef SRI
X! #define SRI`009   1
X  #else
X  #ifdef TWG
X  #define TWG        1
X--- 55,62 -----
X  #define WINTCP     2
X  #define MULTINETTCP     3
X `032
X! #ifdef MULTINET
X! #define MULTINET`009   1
X  #else
X  #ifdef TWG
X  #define TWG        1
X*** 62,68
X  #endif
X  #endif
X `032
X! #if TWG `124`124 SRI
X  #include <types.h>
X  #include <socket.h>
X  #include <netdb.h>
X--- 63,69 -----
X  #endif
X  #endif
X `032
X! #if TWG `124`124 MULTINET
X  #include <types.h>
X  #include <socket.h>
X  #include <netdb.h>
X*** 265,272
X  #if TWG
X    else if (proto == WINTCP) `123
X      if (sys$assign(c$dsc("INET:"),&net_chan,0,0) & 1) `123
X! #elif SRI
X!   else if (proto == SRITCP) `123
X      if (sys$assign(c$dsc("INET0:"),&net_chan,0,0) & 1) `123
X  #endif
X  #if TWG `124`124 SRI
X--- 266,273 -----
X  #if TWG
X    else if (proto == WINTCP) `123
X      if (sys$assign(c$dsc("INET:"),&net_chan,0,0) & 1) `123
X!   else if (proto == MULTINETTCP) `123
X      if (sys$assign(c$dsc("INET0:"),&net_chan,0,0) & 1) `123
X  #endif
X  #if TWG `124`124 MULTINET
X*** 269,275
X    else if (proto == SRITCP) `123
X      if (sys$assign(c$dsc("INET0:"),&net_chan,0,0) & 1) `123
X  #endif
X! #if TWG `124`124 SRI
X        if (   (sys$qiow(0,net_chan,IO$_SOCKET,&read_iosb,0,0,
X                         AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0,0,0,0) & 1)
X            && (read_iosb.iostatus & 1)) `123
X--- 270,276 -----
X    else if (proto == MULTINETTCP) `123
X      if (sys$assign(c$dsc("INET0:"),&net_chan,0,0) & 1) `123
X  #endif
X! #if TWG `124`124 MULTINET
X        if (   (sys$qiow(0,net_chan,IO$_SOCKET,&read_iosb,0,0,
X                         AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0,0,0,0) & 1)
X            && (read_iosb.iostatus & 1)) `123
X*** 346,352
X `032
X  toggle_link()
X  `123
V!   if (!nntp_write("YCMND") `124`124 (!(wait_net_response(RESP_TIMER,1)))) `
X      if (*net_open_chan) `123
X        char proto_type;
X `032
X--- 347,353 -----
X `032
X  toggle_link()
X  `123
V!   if (!nntp_write("STAT") `124`124 (!(wait_net_response(RESP_TIMER,1)))) `1
X      if (*net_open_chan) `123
X        char proto_type;
X `032
X*** 352,358
X `032
X        if (net_proto == CMUTCP) proto_type = 'T';
X        else if (net_proto == WINTCP) proto_type = 'W';
X!       else if (net_proto == SRITCP) proto_type = 'S';
X        else proto_type = 'D';
X        close_net();
V        sprintf(client_msg,"Lost connection to NEWS SERVER ([%c] %s)",proto_t
X--- 353,359 -----
X `032
X        if (net_proto == CMUTCP) proto_type = 'T';
X        else if (net_proto == WINTCP) proto_type = 'W';
X!       else if (net_proto == MULTINETTCP) proto_type = 'M';
X        else proto_type = 'D';
X        close_net();
V        sprintf(client_msg,"Lost connection to NEWS SERVER ([%c] %s)",proto_t
X*** 366,372
X   *  open_rem_chan
X   *
X   *  Open channel to remote NNTP server on host name node, using protocol
X!  *  proto (3 = SRITCP, 2 == WINTCP, 1 == CMUTCP, 0 = DECNET)
X   */
X `032
X  open_rem_chan(node,proto)
X--- 367,373 -----
X   *  open_rem_chan
X   *
X   *  Open channel to remote NNTP server on host name node, using protocol
X!  *  proto (3 = MULTINETTCP, 2 == WINTCP, 1 == CMUTCP, 0 = DECNET)
X   */
X `032
X  open_rem_chan(node,proto)
X*** 391,397
X `032
X        if (net_proto == CMUTCP) proto_type = 'T';
X        else if (net_proto == WINTCP) proto_type = 'W';
X!       else if (net_proto == SRITCP) proto_type = 'S';
X        else proto_type = 'D';
V        sprintf(client_msg,"Cannot connect to NEWS SERVER ([%c] %s)",proto_ty
X        net_read_status = 0;
X--- 392,398 -----
X `032
X        if (net_proto == CMUTCP) proto_type = 'T';
X        else if (net_proto == WINTCP) proto_type = 'W';
X!       else if (net_proto == MULTINETTCP) proto_type = 'M';
X        else proto_type = 'D';
V        sprintf(client_msg,"Cannot connect to NEWS SERVER ([%c] %s)",proto_ty
X        net_read_status = 0;
X*** 404,410
X `032
X        if (net_proto == CMUTCP) proto_type = 'T';
X        else if (net_proto == WINTCP) proto_type = 'W';
X!       else if (net_proto == SRITCP) proto_type = 'S';
X        else proto_type = 'D';
X        close_net();
X        net_read_status = 0;
X--- 405,411 -----
X `032
X        if (net_proto == CMUTCP) proto_type = 'T';
X        else if (net_proto == WINTCP) proto_type = 'W';
X!       else if (net_proto == MULTINETTCP) proto_type = 'M';
X        else proto_type = 'D';
X        close_net();
X        net_read_status = 0;
X*** 643,648
X  server_check_ids(check_id_head)
X    struct grps *check_id_head;
X  `123`032
X    struct grps *reply = check_id_head;
X    struct itms *tmp;
X    char cmd[132];
X--- 644,650 -----
X  server_check_ids(check_id_head)
X    struct grps *check_id_head;
X  `123`032
X+   int daytime, resp_val;
X    struct grps *reply = check_id_head;
X    struct itms *tmp;
X    char cmd[132];
X*** 649,654
X    struct tm *stm;
X `032
X    while (reply) `123
V      printf("\tWorking on %s (Served on %s::)\n",reply->grpname,reply->grpno
X      if (open_rem_chan(reply->grpnode,reply->nproto)) `123
X        stm = localtime(&(reply->grptime));
X--- 651,657 -----
X    struct tm *stm;
X `032
X    while (reply) `123
X+    `032
V      printf("\tWorking on %s (Served on %s::)\n",reply->grpname,reply->grpno
X      if (open_rem_chan(reply->grpnode,reply->nproto)) `123
X        time(&daytime);
X*** 651,656
X    while (reply) `123
V      printf("\tWorking on %s (Served on %s::)\n",reply->grpname,reply->grpno
X      if (open_rem_chan(reply->grpnode,reply->nproto)) `123
X        stm = localtime(&(reply->grptime));
X        sprintf(cmd,"XUPDGROUP %s %02d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d",reply->grpname,
X  `009stm->tm_year,stm->tm_mon + 1,stm->tm_mday,
X--- 654,663 -----
X     `032
-+-+-+-+-+ End of part 10 +-+-+-+-+-