In v 5.9c: 1) If a new group is created and your profile is set to rc-order (might also need automatic registering) then any new group appears to have the same name as the last item in the previous newsrc. file. The new group is inaccessible - I ended up with 15 copies of the last group in newsrc. in my <all> display! In order to sort things out I had to edit the newsrc. file removing the duplicate groups and the rc-order and re-enter news 2) In our news setup, all groups (apart from local ones) are set /nokeeprequest If a set newsgroup command is invoked then the value of this flag is set back to keep. I have to remember to specify /nokeeprequest any time I modify a group. I assume that this is not desirable behaviour? 3) Whilst trying to get this message right, it seems that cancel sometimes corrupts the display and I ended up with a screen of half newsitems titles and half newsgroup titles, instead of just newsitem titles. Wouldn't go away with a ctrl-w. Also--- Does anyone use the inet% addressing protocol with CMU tcpip in the news_address.cnf file? When there is a match on: * ""inet%"\001@m1" (e.g mail appears to be sending to inet%inet%"user@m1" (Might be missing some "s in the above) What am I doing wrong? Robert -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert A.J.Marshall, Room 2.02, IT Building, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K. Tel: (+44) 61-275 6163 Internal: 6163 JANET: EARN: ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert A.J.Marshall, Room 2.02, IT Building, Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K. Tel: (+44) 61-275 6163 Internal: 6163 JANET: EARN: ------------------------------------------------------------------