[news.software.anu-news] Need help getting news for VMS

mcneill@eplrx7.uucp (Keith McNeill) (02/08/90)

I'm sure you get these all the time but....

I am helping a friend bring up news on the VMS side of the company.  Where
is the best place to get the latest and greatest version of news for VMS.  

We tried the version on UUNET but couldn't figure out how to uncompress or
do whatever with the *.bck_z files.  The README file was out of date and
apparently of no help.  

I know nothing about VMS so....don't leave out any details please...

please email responses...


    Keith D. McNeill              |    E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
    eplrx7!mcneill@uunet.uu.net   |    Engineering Physics Laboratory
    (302) 695-9353/7395           |    P.O. Box 80357
                                  |    Wilmington, Delaware 19880-0357
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