(Mark Summerfield - Switching) (05/06/91)
Is there a terminal emulator out there that uses the OpenLook user interface? xterm does a good emulation of vt100 (and, it seems, others), but I can't use cut/paste/drag/drop as I can between Sun command tools, and shell tools. I still frequently need a vt100 or vt200 emulator, and I'm tired of working around it with xterm, and losing the nice Openlook functions I am used to. Thanks in advance for any pointers. Mark ------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------+ Mark Summerfield, Telecom Research Laboratories | "A witty saying proves | ACSnet[AARN/Internet]: m.summerfield@trl.oz[.au]| nothing." -- Voltaire | Snail: PO Box 249, Clayton, Vic., 3168 +-----------------------------+