[alt.sources.d] WordPerfect to troff program

timsb@adspp.UUCP (Tim S. Boshart) (10/17/89)

Some time back someone posted a program to convert WordPerfect files to
troff files.  At the time I didn't think I would need it so I didn't
save it.  Now I need it.  If someone has a copy, please send me a mail
message telling me how I can get a copy.
Tim S. Boshart      | uunet!adspp!timsb   | "After a time, you may find that
Abacus Data Systems | timsb@adspp.UUCP    |'having' is not so pleasing a thing
2707 Middlebury St. | 219-295-4290 (voice)| as 'wanting.'  It is not logical,
Elkhart, IN  46516  | 219-522-2964 (fax)  | but it is often true." -- Spock