martin (12/07/82)
ACC, (Associated Computer Consultants) advertised in Computer Design a 'dialup on-line information system' for LAN type stuff. The number is 408-475-7940, i seems to be only 300 baud. this is the startup of the system:- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Associated 2901 Park Avenue Computer Soquel, CA 95073 Consultants Local-Area Network Center (408) 425-0937 ACCES: On-Line Information ------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome to Associated Computer Consultants' Local Area Network Center "ACCES: On-Line Information". You are accessing a new service that we have recently expanded, and that we wish to develop for all interested in the local area network industry. We would greatly appreciate any reports of difficulties you may encounter, as well as any comments concerning the presentation and content. Thank you. Menu of News 1 Introduction 2 Special Reports 3 International/Multinational News 4 U.S. News 5 Developments in LAN Technology 6 Conferences 7 Publications 8 ACC Products 9 Selections 3 through 7 Please enter selection(s) . . . e.g: -> 1 3 4 6 (RETURN) . . . During newsletter output, hit SPACE to terminate Selection -> 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Associated 2901 Park Avenue Computer Soquel, CA 95073 Consultants Local-Area Network Center (408) 425-0937 ACCES: On-Line Information ------------------------------------------------------------------ Electronic Data communications, especially business communications, will advance in the 80's through the use of local-area computer networks. These local area networks will provide the architecture suitable for the expanded use of automated office equipment, providing a cost effective method for the interconnection of diverse processing and special-function computer hardware. The distribution of computing power is, for many applications, the most natural organization. In many instances, the information itself is distributed in nature and can be better managed by distributed machines. The capabilities available through local-area networks will serve to link these decentralized machines into a cohesive information and processing resource for the business place of the future. We at Associated Computer Consultants wish to provide our clients with clear and relevant information about new opportunities available with local-area computer networks. Our ACCES: On-Line Information is available for dial-in service from 8 am to 5 pm here in California, Monday through Friday. New items are added weekly and printed copies are available upon request. We look forward to your communications. ON-LINE INFORMATION (408) 475-7940 ------------------------------------------------------------------ martin levy. bell labs, holmdel nj.