[net.lan] VAX Ethernet controller summary

grant (02/08/83)

Back in December 1982 I put a query into net.lan concerning the 'right'
Ethernet interface to get for a VAX750. I've has several enquiries 
about the answers I received so here is what I have found so far:

The consensus seems to be that both the 3COM and INTERLAN interfaces work
ok but they are slow. One tradeoff that was pointed out was that INTERLAN 
takes up less of the VAX since it does its own DMA while the 3COM is
faster handling the Ethernet side of things. Of the people that responded
most are getting, or have gotten Interlan boards. 

There was some indication that at least one other manufacturer is getting into
the Ethernet controller game soon although I haven't had time to track this
					As Always, Nothing definite!,
					Grant Munsey