[alt.sources.d] Elvis Turbo C++ 1.0 makefile

laned@athena.csus.edu (Douglas A. Lane) (09/03/90)

Here it is:
Summary: it creates all .exe files for elvis, I added the .c.obj line, 
and the extra .exe lines.

make sure that all TCC BIN files are in the path (including make).  

# DOS Filename: MAKEFILE
# Turbo-C Makefile for ELVIS - a clone of `vi`
# (this makefile actually created an .exe for all programs that worked !!)
# Be sure to modify the LIB= for YOUR turbo-C library directory
# Use `make` to compile all programs
# Use `make install` to copy the programs to the BIN directory
# Use `make clean` to remove all object files
# Use `make clobber` to remove everything except source & documentation
# Use `make tags` to build new "tags" and "refs" files
# Use `make sh` to produce shar archives of the source

PROGS=  elvis.exe ctags.exe ref.exe virec.exe wildcard.exe
OBJS=	blk.obj cmd1.obj cmd2.obj curses.obj cut.obj ex.obj input.obj main.obj misc.obj\
	modify.obj move1.obj move2.obj move3.obj move4.obj move5.obj opts.obj recycle.obj\
	redraw.obj regexp.obj regsub.obj tio.obj tmp.obj vars.obj vcmd.obj vi.obj\
        pc.obj system.obj sysdos.obj tinytcap.obj
#        pc.obj sysdos.obj tinytcap.obj - original

    tcc -m$(MODEL) -c $<

all: $(PROGS)

elvis.exe: $(OBJS)
    tlink /c $(LIB)\C0$(MODEL) @elvis.cmd,elvis.exe,, $(LIB)\C$(MODEL)

tags refs: ctags.exe
	./ctags -r *.c *.h

ctags.exe: ctags.c
    tcc -m$(MODEL)  ctags.c

ref.exe: ref.c
    tcc -m$(MODEL)  ref.c

virec.exe: virec.c
    tcc -m$(MODEL)  virec.c

wildcard.exe: wildcard.c
    tcc -m$(MODEL)  wildcard.c

# This just says that a change to nomagic.c is effectively a change to regexp.c
regexp.obj: nomagic.c

install: $(PROGS)
	cp $(PROGS) $(BIN)

	rm -f *.obj

clobber: clean
	rm -f tags refs $(PROGS)

        @echo 'Turbo-C++ 1.0 Make'

#end makefile

The opinions expressed above are mine alone
and do not reflect any organization unless noted.
daLane (laned@athena.ecs.csus.edu)                 |  "The best religion,
part-time philosopher                              |   is tolerance"
full-time programmer/analyst                       |  " Take a stand, but not
                                                   |   on my feet please."
  "Men are disturbed not by things that happen but by their opinion of
     things that happen."    Epictetus